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In Lumine Network Meeting

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

The In Lumine Network consists of six independent institutes for Catholic Thought located at elite research universities in the United States. Funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation, the In Lumine network aims to advance dialogue between theology, philosophy, and the natural and social sciences on the campuses they serve. The founding members of the network include: the Lumen Christi Institute at the University of Chicago, the Nova Forum at the University of Southern California, the Saint Anselm Institute at the University of Virginia, COLLIS at Cornell University,  the Collegium Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, and the...

Master Class: “Adventures of a Primary Care Theologian” with Fr. Roch Kereszty


Open to current students and faculty. Others interested in participating should contact info@lumenchristi.org. Registrants will receive copies of the prepared reading. An Online Master Class with Fr. Roch Kereszty, O. Cist For over 40 years, Fr. Roch Kereszty has taught and published in nearly every area of theology—Christology, ecclesiology, and interreligious dialogue to name a few. During this master class, Fr. Kereszty will discuss selected texts from his own work and discuss his life and vocation: a clandestine novice in Communist Hungary, a student during the years of the Second Vatican Council, long-time professor at the University of Dallas and form...

Synodality Series Session 5 | Pope Francis’ Vision of a Synodal Church: CELAM and Ignatian Tradition


Free and open to the public. This online symposium series is being organized by the American Cusanus Society, Nova Forum and the Lumen Christi Institute. Additional Cosponsors include Commonweal, Harvard Catholic Forum, America Media, the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought and the Collegium Institute. About the Series | In light of Pope Francis’ call for global Catholic communities to enter into a two-year process on synodality, this six-part series will examine both the history of synods and the current dialogue around the future of synodality in the Church. This series is an opportunity to learn more about the topic in advance of the October 2023 Rome summit, “For a Synodal Church.” Pope Francis...

Magis Lecture | Pro and Con: Does Faith Ignore Reason?

Saint Ignatius College Prep 1076 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL

Free and open to the public. Every Sunday, Christian worshipers profess the Nicene Creed. The Creed formulates and supports our belief in one God, but there appears to be scant empirical evidence for many of its claims that we acknowledge to be true.  We don’t profess the Creed because we’ve been persuaded by overwhelming evidence. Is it reasonable, then, to believe that the Creed's claims are true? Or does our profession of faith shove our reason into exile?  So says Sam Harris, a recent "popular atheist,” who argues that faith is by nature unreasonable. But William James, the 19th-century American psychologist,...

Symposium on “The Future of Christian Art”

Social Sciences, Room 122 1126 E 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Is there a future for Christian Art? Can beauty save a “modern” world? This symposium features a presentation by Fr. Stephen Fields, SJ (Georgetown) in which he distinguishes between modernity and previous periods of the Western Christian experience and draws upon the work of Hans Urs von Balathasar to argue that Christians must reconceive the meaning of “beauty.” Responses will follow from University of Chicago art historian Karin Krause and Chicago Artist John David Mooney. This event is being supported by funds from the Fr. Paul V. Mankowski, S.J. Memorial Fund for Jesuit Scholarship. Fr. Paul, former Jesuit Scholar-in-Residence for the Lumen...

Master Class: Clashing over Mysticism: Balthasar and Rahner on Bonaventure

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

Open to current students and faculty. Others interested in participating should contact info@lumenchristi.org. Registrants will receive copies of the prepared reading. In an era of outstanding theologians who made the teachings of Vatican II possible, Hans Urs von Balthasar (1905-88) and Karl Rahner (1904-84) emerge as titans. Both were German speaking: Rahner came from Baden and Balthasar from Switzerland. Rahner died as a Jesuit, having taught in Innsbruck, Munich, and Muenster. Balthasar left the order in mid-life to serve as chaplain to a secular institute in Basel.  Both were prolific writers. Rahner’s chief works are Spirit in the World (1957),...

Synodality in Perspective: Traditions Past and Present


This online symposium series is being organized by the American Cusanus Society, Nova Forum and the Lumen Christi Institute. Additional Cosponsors include Commonweal, America Media, St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought and the Collegium Institute.  Participation and Registration | All are invited to participate. To attend, please register online. Registration links are provided by each session and date below. Each session will be a dialogue with a moderator hosting a conversation between two scholars. About the Series | In light of Pope Francis’ call for global Catholic communities to enter into a two-year process on synodality, this six-part series will examine both the history...

Synodality Series Session 6 | The Synod of 2023: Process and Prospects


Free and open to the public. This online symposium series is being organized by the American Cusanus Society, Nova Forum and the Lumen Christi Institute. Additional Cosponsors include Commonweal, Harvard Catholic Forum, America Media, the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought and the Collegium Institute. About the Series | In light of Pope Francis’ call for global Catholic communities to enter into a two-year process on synodality, this six-part series will examine both the history of synods and the current dialogue around the future of synodality in the Church. This series is an opportunity to learn more about the topic in advance of the October 2023 Rome summit, “For a Synodal Church.” Pope Francis...

Society, Law, and Virtue: Colloquium in Honor of Russell Hittinger

This is an invite-only colloquium in honor of Russell Hittinger. Hittinger has articulated many of the deepest Augustinian and Thomistic sources of natural law theory, given an influential critique of certain trends in contemporary natural law thinking, and shown how various conceptions of natural law have been embraced or rejected in American political debates since the middle of the twentieth century. Finally, his most recent work has shown how natural law principles have been integrated into Catholic social teaching since the French Revolution. This discussion will use Hittinger’s writings as a springboard to explore these perennial and timely topics in...

The Saints: How They Save Us and We Save Them

Saint Ignatius College Prep 1076 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL

This event is in-person only. There is no cost to attend.  Please register by Thursday, October 27th. The Lumen Christi Institute, St. Ignatius College Prep, and The Bollandists Society in Belgium invite you to a special evening with Catherine M. Mooney, Associate Professor of Church History at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry.   For questions, please reach out to Andrea Lamacki at andrea.lamacki@ignatius.org Schedule Mass | 5:00 in Cuneo Chapel at Saint Ignatius College Prep Reception | 5:30-6:15pm in the Brunswick Room Presentation | 6:15-7:15pm in the Brunswick Room