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Theology for Engineers and Scientists: Technology, Environment, and the Pursuit of Wisdom

Duke University Chapel Drive Durham , NC 27708, Durham, NC

APPLY HERE "Theology for Engineers and Scientists” aims to give graduate students with little or no background in Theology an introduction to the integration of Catholic theology with their respective fields of research or professional training. The goal is not comprehensive knowledge of an emerging field but the building of a bridge between disciplines that seem remote from one another and even in opposition. The theological part will be drawn principally from Romano Guardini’s The End of the Modern World and Pope Francis’s Laudato Si’ because these texts look at the technocratic paradigm generously and critically with the goal of gathering wisdom from many domains of experience and learning for...

Thomas Aquinas Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

Open to current graduate students and faculty. Participants can come to whichever sessions they choose. Those interested in participating should contact Gregory Brown at gregdbrown@uchicago.edu. Food, beverages, and readings will be provided.  St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica is a masterpiece of both theology and philosophy. Come join us as we read and discuss the work of one of the greatest philosophers and saints in history. Each week, we closely read and discuss a short selection from the Summa. Our current focus is on Aquinas' treatment of the soul in the Treatise on Man. Prereading is not required. Newcomers are always welcome.


The Thought of John Henry Newman

Merton College, Oxford Merton St, Oxford OX1 4JD, UK, Oxford, United Kingdom

APPLY HERE Now in its tenth year, this intensive seminar will examine the achievements of Saint John Henry Newman as a theologian, philosopher, educator, preacher, and writer. Remarkably, in each of these areas Newman produced works that have come to be recognized as classics: An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, The Grammar of Assent, The Idea of a University, The Parochial and Plain Sermons, and the Apologia Pro Vita Sua. This seminar will approach Newman’s thought through a critical engagement with these texts. LOCATION AND FORMAT The seminar will be held at Merton College, Oxford. Meals and lodging...


The Thought of Rene Girard: Understanding the Faith in a Secular Age

Stanford University 450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305, Stanford, CA

Photo Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service APPLY HERE One of the most influential 20th century Catholic thinkers, René Girard transformed our understanding of culture, religion, and human behavior. His “mimetic theory" builds on the demystifying power of the Old and New Testaments to illuminate the religious history of mankind. Through an intensive reading of his more accessible works, in conjunction with the fiction of the greatest writers, this five-day seminar will explore Girard’s key insights into imitation, conflict, and scapegoating, connecting them to central themes of Christian theology. Location and Format  This seminar will be held at Stanford...


Tolkien, Christianity, and Art

Robert Porwoll, Gustavus Adolphus College

The Lumen Christi Institute has designed this two-day seminar to introduce major themes and debates from the Catholic Church's history to a wide online audience. It offers the opportunity to read primary sources in the context of a seminar-style discussion, led by Catholic faculty.   The enrollment fee for this short course is $95 USD. Because we believe the Catholic Intellectual Tradition should be made available to everyone, a limited number of scholarships are available. Contact info@lumenchristi.org for more details. This is one of three short courses hosted by the Lumen Christi Institute this summer. If you would like to take a...


Truth and Authority in Augustine’s City of God

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

APPLY HERE This seminar is an intensive week-long course in how to read, analyze, and discern the many themes in Augustine’s most ambitious and sprawling work. The City of God tells the history of two societies, and their respective origins, progress, and appointed ends. The story is engaged first from the evidence of profane history (I-XI) and then from the evidence of revelation (XII-XXII). In this seminar, participants will discuss how Augustine reckons with the crisis of the ancient and the human city, and whether it is possible to reconcile truth and authority across the competing domains of polity, religion,...


Religion and Human Flourishing

Harvard University Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA

APPLY HERE Christianity, like other great spiritual traditions, is centrally concerned with the good life, with that “perfect peace” promised to those who trust in God (Isa. 26:3), or that “life abundant” which Christ came to offer (Jn. 10:10). Christian thinkers in every generation have reflected on the nature of human flourishing, the evils that threaten it, and the complex relationships among the temporal and eternal goods that comprise it. Until recently, by contrast, the younger social sciences tended to focus myopically on understanding and preventing human illness and suffering, seeking (in Freud’s words) to “turn hysterical misery into ordinary...


Brideshead Revisited Reading Group


LCI  alumni of the René Girard seminar for undergraduates are the primary audience for this group. However, if you are interested in joining, please contact John-Paul Heil at heil@msmary.edu. The cost for participation is $25. Singled out by Bishop Robert Barron as the "best Catholic novel of the twentieth century," Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited remains the exemplar not just of Catholic literature, but of the novel as a genre. Over the course of four months, this group will revisit Waugh's classic and explore the text's contribution to the Catholic intellectual tradition, the models it offers of lives well- and ill-lived, and...

Integration Seminar

Daniel Wasserman-Soler, Lumen Christi Institute

Open to graduate students only. This is a private and closed event. This event may be attended by receiving an invitation or submitting a request. Those interested in participating should contact Fr. Peter Bernardi at bernardisj@gmail.com. Food and beverages will be provided.  The LCI integration seminars feature invited scholars, distinguished in a variety of disciplines, to share with University of Chicago students how they go about integrating Catholic faith with their specialized fields of scholarship & research. The scholar’s autobiographical presentation is designed to animate a conversation with the students concerning the challenges and opportunities that characterize the vibrant Catholic intellectual tradition in dialogue...

Romano Guardini on Technology and the Liturgy

Swift Hall, First Floor Common Room 1025 E 58th St,Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL
Peter Casarella, Duke Divinity School

This lecture was cosponsored by the University of Chicago Divinity School and the In Lumine Network. It was made possible through the support of ‘In Lumine: Supporting the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Campuses Nationwide’ (Grant #62372) from the John Templeton Foundation. Romano Guardini penned his Letters from Lake Como between 1923-1925 in order to think about the new technocratic relationship between nature and culture that was emerging in post-war and post-Enlightenment Europe. Guardini’s reflections on the technocratic paradigm are critical for understanding the relationship of the human person, the dynamics of culture, and our hyperdigitized world today. Guardini’s newly translated Liturgy and...

Master Classes

Letters from Lake Como and Other Approaches: Guardini and Heidegger on Technology

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL
Peter Casarella, Duke Divinity School

REGISTER HERE Open to current graduate students and faculty. Advanced undergraduates and others interested in participating should contact dstrobach@lumenchristi.org. All registrants will receive a copy of the required reading, which should be read in advance of the class. An optional wine and cheese reception will follow.  This master class is made possible through the support of ‘In Lumine: Supporting the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Campuses Nationwide’ (Grant #62372) from the John Templeton Foundation.  This masterclass will cover Romano Guardini’s Letters from Lake Como, written between 1923-1925, and will focus on the relationship between technology, human nature, and culture. It will take a special...

Concert with Schola Antiqua at Swift Hall: Byrd of a Feather

Swift Hall 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL
Schola Antiqua of Chicago, Artists-in-Residence

Register Here Join us for a celebration of English Renaissance composer William Byrd in the four hundredth year following his death. Journey through Byrd's outstanding corpus with Schola Antiqua, as we survey his musical contributions to the Catholic recusant community, highlighting themes of trial and deliverance. Actor Jeff Parker will also read dramatic texts of Jesuit priest Robert Southwell, whom Byrd met in 1586. The program further includes some of the most prized music for keyboard known to that point, composed by Byrd. Guest harpsichordist Jason Moy (DePaul University), a specialist in Renaissance and Baroque keyboard music, joins Schola Antiqua to present this splendid...