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July 9th @ 12:00 am - July 15th @ 12:00 am

The Thought of Rene Girard: Understanding the Faith in a Secular Age

Jul 09
The Thought of Rene Girard: Understanding the Faith in a Secular Age

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Photo Credit: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service


[Direct link: https://lumenchristi.submittable.com/submit/fe249b0c-362e-4d83-b3e9-4c86180e2e37/2023-the-thought-of-rene-girard-understanding-the-faith-in-a-secular-age ]

One of the most influential 20th century Catholic thinkers, René Girard transformed our understanding of culture, religion, and human behavior. His “mimetic theory” builds on the demystifying power of the Old and New Testaments to illuminate the religious history of mankind. Through an intensive reading of his more accessible works, in conjunction with the fiction of the greatest writers, this five-day seminar will explore Girard’s key insights into imitation, conflict, and scapegoating, connecting them to central themes of Christian theology.

Location and Format 

This seminar will be held at Stanford Univeristy.

There will be two 2.5-hour sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday, the morning session will be followed by a post-lunch excursion. Each session will a seminar-style discussion of the text and the issues at hand. Students will be expected to prepare the readings carefully, submit study questions in advance, and participate actively in each session.

Application Information

This seminar is open to all undergraduate students (including 2023 graduates) interested in understanding the thought of one of the great modern Christian apologists.

Applicants will be required to submit an online application form including:

  • A list of completed coursework.
  • At least one and as many as two letter(s) of recommendation from a professor at the school in which the student is currently enrolled.
  • A statement of interest no longer than 750 words, which includes an explanation of how this seminar might bear on the student’s current intellectual interests.

All application materials can be submitted via the online application. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Fifteen applicants will be admitted to this seminar. Admitted students will receive lodging and meals for the duration of the seminar and a $350 travel stipend.

Admissions accepted on a rolling basis until full. 




Stanford University

450 Serra Mall, Stanford, CA 94305
Stanford, CA