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Trinity Lutheran and the Future of Public Funding for Religious Entities: A Conversation with Richard Garnett and Andrew Koppelman

Jenner & Block, 45th Floor 353 N Clark St. Chicago, IL 60654, Downtown, IL

Cosponsored by the Catholic Lawyers Guild, the Decalogue Society of Lawyers, the Christian Legal Society, the American Constitution Society, the Federalist Society, the Notre Dame Program on Church, State & Society, and Jenner & Block Chicago. Should a religious institution be denied public funding solely because it is owned and operated by a religious entity? The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision Trinity Lutheran Church v. Comer decided that the state of Missouri violated the Free Exercise Clause by disqualifying a religious school from a state program. In this conversation, law scholars Richard Garnett and Andrew Koppelman will discuss the reasoning employed by the...

Body, Eros, and Eucharist

Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Free and open to the public. Cosponsored by the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion. About The Wedding Feast of the Lamb: In The Wedding Feast of the Lamb, Emmanuel Falque links philosophy and theology in an original fashion that allows us to see the full effect of theology’s “backlash” against philosophy. By attending closely to the incarnation and the eucharist, Falque develops a new concept of the body and of love: By avoiding the common mistake of “angelism”―consciousness without body―Falque considers the depths to which our humanity reflects animality, or body without consciousness. He shows the...

Angels, Demons, Heaven, and Hell: On Christian “Mythology” and the Spiritual Life

Swift Hall, First Floor Common Room 1025 E 58th St,Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Join the Lumen Christi Institute for a special Epiphany symposium and reception with medieval historian Rachel Fulton Brown and Benedictine Monk Fr. Peter Funk, OSB. Free and open to the public. Many traditional Christian beliefs and teachings about spiritual realities have become unpalatable to modern sensibilities. Accounts of angelic visitations, demonic possessions, the stain of original sin, and the threat of eternal torment are today considered untrue or irrelevant by non-believers and even many Christians. Why were such “myths” so central to Christian belief and practice for so many centuries? Is there any value in understanding why ancient, medieval, and...

Religion and Religious Expression in the Academy and Public Life

International House at the University of Chicago 1414 E 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Join us for a discussion on religion and religious expression in the academy and public life featuring Ross Douthat, a panel of scholars, and moderated by Willemien Otten (Professor of Theology and of the History of Christianity and Director of the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion at the University of Chicago Divinity School). Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute,The Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion at the Divinity School,The Institute of Politics, and the International House Global Voices Program. Free and open to the public. Persons with disabilities who may need assistance should contact the Office of...

The State of Religion in America

University Club of Chicago 76 E Monroe St Chicago, IL 60603, Downtown, IL

$60 General / $600 Host Committee Member Since publishing Bad Religion: How We Became a Nation of Heretics in 2012, Ross Douthat’s commentary on American religious culture has established him as a prominent and thoughtful critic. This lecture will describe the three "world pictures" that dominate American religiosity: the biblical, spiritual, and secular. As these world pictures jockey for cultural dominance, interesting questions arise. Can the biblical world picture gain ground? Will the secular world picture carry the day? Will the spiritual world picture be forced to give way to one of its more inflexible alternatives? These and other questions will...

Science and Theology of Habitable Worlds Around Other Stars

Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Free and open to the public. Cosponsored by the Hildegard of Bingen Society for Christian Thought and Culture. You can view Professor Öberg's recent presentation at the 2017 Society of Catholic Scientists Conference HERE. To view photos of the event, visit Lumen Christi's Facebook page. You can subscribe to the Lumen Christi Institute Podcast via our Soundcloud page, iTunes channel, Stitcher, TuneIn, ListenNotes, Podbean, Pocket Casts, and Google Play Music.

Why Liberalism Failed

Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Free and open to the public. Cosponsored by the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought, the Seminary Coop Bookstore, and the Divinity School Theology Club. ABOUT THE BOOK Has liberalism failed because it has succeeded? Of the three dominant ideologies of the twentieth century—fascism, communism, and liberalism—only the last remains. This has created a peculiar situation in which liberalism’s proponents tend to forget that it is an ideology and not the natural end-state of human political evolution. As Patrick Deneen argues in this provocative book, liberalism is built on a foundation of contradictions: it trumpets equal rights while fostering...

Master Class on Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

Open to current university students and faculty. Copies of Democracy in America will be available for participants who do not already have it. DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: What does Tocqueville mean by democracy? Is democracy inevitable ("providential")? Is its corruption inevitable? What, if anything, follows democracy? Democratic despotism? Do Tocqueville's recommendations for the role played by religion as a corrective to democracy apply any longer? Can they? REQUIRED READINGS: Democracy in America (U of C Press, Mansfield translation): Author’s Introduction: pp. 3-15 I.i. 2: pp. 27-45 I.i.5: (partial): pp. 57-65 I.ii.9:  (partial): pp. 274-302 II.i.1-3: pp. 403-415 II.i. 5-8: pp. 417-428 II.i.10-11: pp. 433-443...

The Moral Theology of Aquinas: Is it for Individuals?

Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Free and open to the public. Cosponsored by the Theology Club at the Divinity School and the Hildegard of Bingen Society for Christian Thought and Culture. Is the moral teaching of Aquinas a purely cerebral, speculative reflection that can hardly be correlated with practical Christian living, or does it have a message that can be correlated with the experience and difficulties of an average individual? This lecture views the theology of Aquinas in the light of the concrete down-to earth approach focused on individuals that seems to be the basic gift of Pope Francis. It attempts to propose a reading...

Master Class on Grace, Free Choice, and the Infused Virtues

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

Open to current university students and faculty. A link to the readings will be provided for registrants. SESSION I: "Grace and Free Choice" Primary Reading: Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae, Ia, q. 83, art. 1-4 Secondary Reading: Servais Pinckaers OP, The Sources of Christian Ethics, (Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1995), chapters XIV-XV on the liberty of indifference and liberty of quality. Daniel Westberg, Right Practical Reason. Aristotle, Action, and Prudence in Aquinas, (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1994), p. 119-135. Wojciech Giertych OP, “Conscience and the Liberum Arbitrium”, in: Crisis of Conscience, ed. by John M. Haas, (New York:...

Monastery Visit: St. Benedict’s Teaching on Humility

The Monastery of the Holy Cross 3111 South Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60608, Chicago, IL

REGISTER HERE Transportation will be provided from Hyde Park. Open to current university students and faculty. Cosponsored by the Hildegard of Bingen Society. Join us for an evening of prayer with Benedictine Monks at the Monastery of the Holy Cross. Students will participate in the prayer of the Divine Office (including Vespers and Compline), and have dinner and discussion of St. Benedict's Teaching on Humility by Michael Casey with Fr. Peter Funk, OSB, prior of the monastery and alumnus of the University of Chicago. More information about the monastery can be found HERE. SCHEDULE 4:15pm   Meet at Gavin House (1220...

Thick and Dazzling Darkness: Religious Poetry in a Secular Age

Swift Hall, Room 106 1025 E 58th St, Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Free and open to the public. Cosponsored by the Program in Poetry and Poetics and the Seminary Coop Bookstore. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. You can hear Peter O'Leary discuss the book in a recent OPEN STACKS Podcast interview. ABOUT THE BOOK How do poets use language to render the transcendent, often dizzyingly inexpressible nature of the divine? In an age of secularism, does spirituality have a place in modern American poetry? In Thick and Dazzling Darkness, Peter O'Leary reads a diverse set of writers to argue for the existence and importance of religious poetry in...