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Cultural Forum

CANCELLED FEBRUARY 27th: A Catholic Vision of Culture in the 21st Century | West Suburban Catholic Culture Series

Butterfield Country Club 2800 Midwest Rd, Oak Brook, IL, United States

As the Church has faced struggles in recent years, Pope Francis has repeatedly emphasized the role that journalists can play in the reform and renewal of the Church. But the mission of Catholics journalists is not always clear: they face the prophetic call of truth, and, at the same time, the common Christian vocation of the Great Commission. Can those work together? Can journalism be a form of evangelization? And can the Catholic Church teach the press something about the vocation of truth-telling in a polarized world? Reflecting on the work of Catholic journalism amid the Church's challenges, Pillar editor JD Flynn considers those questions.

Reading Groups
Event Series Latin Vulgate Reading Group

Latin Vulgate Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

St. Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible was used exclusively by the Western Church for centuries; its significance for the Roman Catholic tradition cannot be overstated. In this group, we will work through sections of the Vulgate in order to appreciate its beauty and practice our Latin. For the first session, no preparation is necessary; we will decide together which texts we will read. Please come with a desire to grow in Latin Bible knowledge with St. Jerome and friends!

Newman Forum

Winter Newman Forum Conference for High School Students: What Really Happens When…

University of Saint Mary of the Lake 1000 East Maple Avenue Mundelein, IL 60060, Mundelein, IL

What really happens when Chat-GPT does your homework? When you try to live forever? When a child is born with disabilities? When statues weep and paintings bleed? When the universe seems completely random? 

On March 1, 2025, the Newman Forum’s “What Really Happens When…” conference will gather high school students at the University of St. Mary of the Lake to discover the fascinating realities of everyday and misunderstood scientific, historical, literary, and religious topics. Students will meet with presenters and discuss the wonders of science, the lessons of history, the beauty of literature, and the mysteries of faith.

Nicklin Fellowship
Event Series The Brothers Karamazov

The Brothers Karamazov Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s final masterpiece,  explores the human questions of morality, freedom, reason, and belief, in the context of a captivating family drama. Rather than merely writing a philosophical treatise, Dostoevsky produced a work of literature, thereby warranting a complete reading of the text. This weekly dinnertime reading group for undergraduates is spread out over two quarters seeks to accomplish that task, primarily focusing on the philosophical and theological themes above, in an enriching communal setting. Sponsored by the LCI Nicklin Fellows Program.

Reading Groups

Greek New Testament Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

We will work through the Greek text of chapters eight and nine of the Gospel of Luke. Particular attention will be paid to the narrative structure of these chapters. Participants with all levels of Greek are welcome to attend. Lunch will be provided by the Lumen Christi Institute.

Reading Groups

On the Nature of Angels: Thomas Aquinas Reading Course

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL
Stephen Brock, University of Chicago

One of St. Thomas Aquinas's very last projects was a treatise on angels. With a more historical approach than that of either Summa on the subject, it addresses such topics the immateriality of angels, their origin, their knowledge, and the distinctions among them, including the distinction between the good ones and the bad ones. Along the way, it offers some of Thomas’s most sophisticated discussions of the metaphysics of creation, hylomorphism, and participation.

Reading Groups
Event Series Latin Vulgate Reading Group

Latin Vulgate Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

St. Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible was used exclusively by the Western Church for centuries; its significance for the Roman Catholic tradition cannot be overstated. In this group, we will work through sections of the Vulgate in order to appreciate its beauty and practice our Latin. For the first session, no preparation is necessary; we will decide together which texts we will read. Please come with a desire to grow in Latin Bible knowledge with St. Jerome and friends!

Reading Groups

Dante’s Divine Comedy Graduate Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

This winter quarter, become our traveling companion as we continue a pilgrimage of unforgettable cosmic and spiritual grandeur through Dante Alighieri’s Commedia. Having passed through the horrors of hell, our poet-protagonist turns to pondering questions of love, virtue, grace, and divine providence as he journeys along Mount Purgatory’s breathtaking vistas, through the otherworldly astral spheres, into the bosom of the eternal Church Triumphant with his trusted guides: Virgil, Beatrice, and the “last of the fathers,” Bernard of Clairvaux – who, in the mystical climax of this crowning achievement of European literature, brings Dante before the throne of the living God. 

Cultural Forum

A Catholic Vision of Culture in the 21st Century | West Suburban Catholic Culture Series

Butterfield Country Club 2800 Midwest Rd, Oak Brook, IL, United States

In his well-known and influential essay, Leisure: The Basis of Culture, Josef Pieper claims that we in modern western society have come to inhabit a “world of total work,” and that an essential precondition for escape is recapturing a more ancient notion of “leisure” (in Greek: scholê, in Latin: otium). While much has been said in support of this claim, especially in Catholic intellectual circles, the focus has typically centered on the nature of leisure, which much of this dialogue takes as the starting point. In this lecture, Prof. Blaschko, who studies the philosophy of work at Notre Dame, will proceed in a different direction, asking “What kind of culture, and what kind of work culture, would we create if we wanted to incorporate genuine leisure into our lives?”

Lectures & Symposia

Polarization, Social Cohesion, and the Economy

International House at the University of Chicago 1414 E 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL
Hybrid Hybrid Event
Teresa Sullivan, University of Virginia | Clemens Sedmak, University of Notre Dame | James Heckman, The University of Chicago | Michael Hüther, The German Economic Institute | Joseph Kaboski, University of Notre Dame

REGISTER HERE for IN PERSON REGISTER HERE for ONLINE  For more information, contact gzokal@lumenchristi.org   With polarization on the rise around the globe, scholars have pointed to a broader fragmentation of social cohesion. Economics, sociology, theology and philosophy offer different entry points for exploring these problems. How might we better understand this global moment? This marks the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’s social encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, which sought not only to diagnose these problems, but to also offer moral responses for all people of good will. How might principles derived from Catholic social teaching, such as solidarity, human dignity, and "the...