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Modern Science and Christian Faith for Graduate Students

Harvard University Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA

APPLY HERE The goal of this seminar is to provide students with the background knowledge and conceptual tools necessary to understand and think clearly about the relation of science and faith. This will help them to integrate scientific and theological ways of understanding in their own thinking, and make it possible for them to help others (including their future colleagues and students) to achieve such integration. The overarching goal is to help develop a cadre of people with a broad and informed understanding of these issues who can be the nucleus from which wider outreach efforts might grow. Among the...


Origen of Alexandria’s On First Principles

University of St. Michael's College 81 St. Mary's Street Toronto, ON M5S 1J4, Toronto, ON

APPLY HERE This seminar will be a close reading of Origen’s On First Principles, supplemented by various other texts from his corpus. One of the first systematic presentations of the Christian faith, On First Principles, written c. 220, is also a complex text to engage. While we possess some Greek fragments, the whole survives only in a much later Latin translation. At the same time, it is essential to see how the positions that Origen puts forth in this work relate to those we find developed in his biblical exegesis. Accordingly, we will examine texts from the On First Principles in parallel with selections from his Commentary...


Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

APPLY HERE In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic social thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009) and Evangelii Gaudium (2013). This intensive course is multi-disciplinary, since this tradition of social thought overlaps several disciplines in the contemporary university including political science, political philosophy, law, economics, theology, and history. LOCATION AND FORMAT The seminar will be held in Berkeley, CA. Meals and lodging will be provided. Participants will receive a...


Modern Science and Christian Faith for Undergraduates

University of Virginia University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

APPLY HERE The goal of this seminar is to provide students with the background knowledge and conceptual tools necessary to understand and think clearly about the relation of science and faith. This will help them to integrate scientific and theological ways of understanding in their own thinking, and make it possible for them to help others (including their future colleagues and students) to achieve such integration. The overarching goal is to help develop a cadre of people with a broad and informed understanding of these issues who can be the nucleus from which wider outreach efforts might grow. Among the...

Two-Day Online Seminar | Galileo: Faith, Reason, and the New Science

Robert Porwoll, Gustavus Adolphus College

TWO-DAY ONLINE SEMINAR Session 1: Wednesday, Aug. 10 | 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Session 2: Saturday, Aug. 13 | 10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. The Lumen Christi Institute has designed this two-day seminar to introduce major themes and debates from the Catholic Church's history to a wide online audience. It offers the opportunity to read primary sources in the context of a seminar-style discussion, led by Catholic faculty.   *This course requires no advance training nor prior reading and is open to all for participation. All course reading will be provided electronically.  What happened at the famous Galileo Trial? Galileo...

Synodality Series Session 1 | Synodality in the Ancient Church

Nathan Tilley, Duke University | Robin Darling Young, Catholic University of America | Christopher M. Bellitto, Kean University

Free and open to the public. This online symposium series is being organized by the American Cusanus Society, Nova Forum and the Lumen Christi Institute. Additional Cosponsors include Commonweal, America Media and the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought. About the Series | In light of Pope Francis’ call for global Catholic communities to enter into a two-year process on synodality, this six-part series will examine both the history of synods and the current dialogue around the future of synodality in the Church. This series is an opportunity to learn more about the topic in advance of the October 2023 Rome summit, “For a Synodal Church.” Pope Francis is inviting the...

Synodality Series Session 2 | Synodality and Medieval Reform

Nathan Tilley, Duke University | Robin Darling Young, Catholic University of America | Christopher M. Bellitto, Kean University

Free and open to the public. This online symposium series is being organized by the American Cusanus Society, Nova Forum and the Lumen Christi Institute. Additional Cosponsors include Commonweal, Harvard Catholic Forum, America Media, the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought and the Collegium Institute. About the Series | In light of Pope Francis’ call for global Catholic communities to enter into a two-year process on synodality, this six-part series will examine both the history of synods and the current dialogue around the future of synodality in the Church. This series is an opportunity to learn more about the topic in advance of the October 2023 Rome summit, “For a Synodal Church.” Pope Francis...

Synodality Series Session 3 | Synodality and the Roots of Vatican II


Free and open to the public. This online symposium series is being organized by the American Cusanus Society, Nova Forum and the Lumen Christi Institute. Additional Cosponsors include Commonweal, Harvard Catholic Forum, America Media, the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought and the Collegium Institute. About the Series | In light of Pope Francis’ call for global Catholic communities to enter into a two-year process on synodality, this six-part series will examine both the history of synods and the current dialogue around the future of synodality in the Church. This series is an opportunity to learn more about the topic in advance of the October 2023 Rome summit, “For a Synodal Church.” Pope Francis...

Renewing Digital Space: Addressing Pope Francis’ Concerns and Warnings


Pope Francis has challenged the Church and the world to explore “both the pathologies our digital culture imposes – especially on our young – and investigate how this technology can and has helped people reach their full potential.” Join us for a virtual conversation that will explore the anthropological, theological, sociological and legal constructs that are necessary to address these challenges posed by the digital age. This online event is free and open to the public. This event is hosted by CAPP-USA and co-sponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute.  SPEAKERS: Prof. Evelyn Aswad The University of Oklahoma College of Law’s Herman G....

Synodality Series Session 4 | Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Christians: Contexts and Dialogue


Free and open to the public. This online symposium series is being organized by the American Cusanus Society, Nova Forum and the Lumen Christi Institute. Additional Cosponsors include Commonweal, Harvard Catholic Forum, America Media, the St. Anselm Institute for Catholic Thought and the Collegium Institute. About the Series | In light of Pope Francis’ call for global Catholic communities to enter into a two-year process on synodality, this six-part series will examine both the history of synods and the current dialogue around the future of synodality in the Church. This series is an opportunity to learn more about the topic in advance of the October 2023 Rome summit, “For a Synodal Church.” Pope Francis...

In Lumine Network Meeting

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

The In Lumine Network consists of six independent institutes for Catholic Thought located at elite research universities in the United States. Funded by a generous grant from the John Templeton Foundation, the In Lumine network aims to advance dialogue between theology, philosophy, and the natural and social sciences on the campuses they serve. The founding members of the network include: the Lumen Christi Institute at the University of Chicago, the Nova Forum at the University of Southern California, the Saint Anselm Institute at the University of Virginia, COLLIS at Cornell University,  the Collegium Institute at the University of Pennsylvania, and the...

Master Class: “Adventures of a Primary Care Theologian” with Fr. Roch Kereszty


Open to current students and faculty. Others interested in participating should contact info@lumenchristi.org. Registrants will receive copies of the prepared reading. An Online Master Class with Fr. Roch Kereszty, O. Cist For over 40 years, Fr. Roch Kereszty has taught and published in nearly every area of theology—Christology, ecclesiology, and interreligious dialogue to name a few. During this master class, Fr. Kereszty will discuss selected texts from his own work and discuss his life and vocation: a clandestine novice in Communist Hungary, a student during the years of the Second Vatican Council, long-time professor at the University of Dallas and form...