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Tracing our Shared Deep History: Evolutionary Anthropology and Theo-Drama

Social Sciences, Room 122 1126 E 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Cosponsored by the Theology and Religious Ethics Workshop While theology and biological science often seem to be at odds, there are productive ways of telling the Christian story of who we are as human beings which resonate with newer evolutionary theories. This lecture will argue that the most convincing theological approach is theo-drama, where insights […]

The Liberal Arts Then and Now

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Open to current University of Chicago undergraduates. Lunch will be served. Literary critic, noted essayist, and alumnus of the College Joseph Epstein will participate in a conversation with students about his life inside and outside the academy. Students are encouraged to read the short essay "Who Killed the Liberal Arts? And Why We Should Care" […]

The Soul of Early Irish Monasticism

Union League Club 65 W Jackson Blvd. Chicago, IL 60604, Downtown, IL

Not many people are aware that when it comes to Irish religious history, St. Patrick only scratches the surface. The island in fact has a rich and fascinating Christian heritage, of which monks and sprawling monastic communities play a central role.

Echoes from the Galleries

Art Institute of Chicago 111 S Michigan Ave. Chicago, IL 60603, Downtown

a concert with Schola Antiqua of Chicago (Lumen Christi Artists-in-Residence) BUY TICKETS $10 non-members | $5 members & students* * - Ticket allows for entry to the museum and event beginning at 2:30pm.  To enter the museum prior to 2:30pm, please purchase a separate museum admission ticket. Schola Antiqua presents a concert in connection with […]

The Greek East and the Spiritual Franciscan View of History

Swift Hall, First Floor Common Room 1025 E 58th St,Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

REGISTER HERE Cosponsored by the Theology & Religious Ethics Workshop The Spiritual Franciscan Angelo Clareno (d.1337) fervently promoted the view that St. Francis’ life and Rule renewed the true evangelic life.  When ecclesiastical persecution led him to flee to Greece, Angelo came into contact with both Greek monasticism and Greek theology based on the Church […]

Religious Origins of Modern Science?

Kersten 120 5720 South Ellis Avenue, Hyde Park, IL

REGISTER HERE Cosponsored by the Department of History and the Committee for the Conceptual and Historical Studies of Science It is often thought that modern science developed largely independently of, or even in opposition to, religion.  Some historians, however, have suggested that religious factors played a key role in the emergence of modern science in […]

Lunch Discussion on “The Cosmos and the Religious Quest”

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Students will read and discuss Chapter 2 from Professor Peter Harrison's book The Territories of Science and Religion (University of Chicago, 2015) entitled "The Cosmos and the Religious Quest." Prof. Harrison will also give a public lecture on "Religious Origins of Modern Science?" on Thursday, April 6. ABOUT THE BOOK The conflict between science and […]

Master Class on The Wisdom of Bernard of Clairvaux

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

REGISTER HERE This master class is open to current students and faculty. PDFs of the readings will be made available for participants. This one-time Seminar will study selected writings of the great Cistercian theologian and mystic, Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1157). Bernard was one of the most remarkable figures of the twelfth century—monastic leader, ecclesiastical politician, […]

“Origins:” The Inaugural Conference of the Society of Catholic Scientists

Millenium Knickerbocker Hotel 163 East Walton Place, Downtown, IL

WATCH VIDEOS HERE The first annual conference of the Society of Catholic Scientists cosponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute The conference brought together researchers on all aspects of origins, from cosmos to consciousness.  Specific topics included current cosmological ideas on the beginning and fate of the universe, fine-tuning and multiverse ideas, habitable planets and astrobiology, […]

Catholic and Protestant Reformations and the Genealogy of Modernity

REGISTER HERE Open to current graduate students and faculty At this master class seminar, participants will read and discuss Professor Carlos Eire's essay "Incombustible Weber: How the Protestant Reformation Really Disenchanted the World" from Faithful Narratives: Historians, Religion, and the Challenge of Objectivity, ed. Andrea Stark and Nina Caputo (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2014). A […]

The Only Way To Truth Is By Love

Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

A lecture on the occasion of the publication of Believing In Order To See (Fordham University Press, 2017). Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Cosponsored by the Theology and Religious Ethics Workshop and the Seminary Coop Bookstore. "Non intratur in veritatem nisi per caritatem" -St. Augustine Believing does not always mean to […]

Lecture on the Easter Mysteries, Dinner, and Prayer at the Monastery of the Holy Cross

The Monastery of the Holy Cross 3111 South Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60608, Chicago, IL

REGISTER HERE Open to current university students and faculty. Transportation from Hyde Park will be provided. Cosponsored by the Hildegard of Bingen Society. Join us for an evening of prayer with Benedictine Monks at the Monastery of the Holy Cross. Students will participate in the prayer of the Divine Office (including Vespers and Compline), and […]