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Are the Great Books Good for us? Liberal Education and the Christian Tradition

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

What are the liberal arts? Is there more than one tradition of humanistic liberal learning, and what's the connection between them the UChicago core curriculum? Professor Jared Ortiz (an undergrad alum of UChicago) hosted a lunchtime conversation about the tradition of liberal education, its reception in Catholic thought, and the question of what an education […]

How NOT To Get Away with Murder

St. John Cantius Church 825 N Carpenter St Chicago, IL 60642, Chicago, IL

Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute’s Newman Forum. Open to current high school students. The book of Genesis is one of the most interesting and difficult books of the Bible. And there is so much more to it than meets the eye.  For example: When the snake approaches Eve for the first time, he asks her: “Did God […]

Achievement and the Christian Life: What is Education For?

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

REGISTER HERE What is achievement? What is success?  Does the human desire for achievement or success have a natural end, or is it restless and never-satisfied?  In other words, what do we understand human fulfillment to be, and how does our university education contribute to that fulfillment? In this lunch time discussion, Elizabeth Corey, professor […]

What is Wrong with Curiosity? Augustine on Curiosity and the Use and the Abuse of the Intellect in the Confessions

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

What could be wrong with curiosity? "Long live curiosity," proclaims the Museum of Science and Industry, and modernity unanimously praises it as the beginning of intellectual discovery. But, surprisingly, Augustine of Hippo criticizes “curiositas” in his Confessions. Is Augustine’s notion out-moded? Is the pursuit of knowledge adverse to Christian faith? Or could Augustine’s concern about the proper use and the […]

What Good is Happiness? A Dialogue Between Economics & Philosophy

Ida Noyes, Third Floor Theatre 1212 E 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Presented by the Veritas Forum at the University of Chicago, Cana, Cru, Graduate Christian Fellowship, Holy Trinity Church, InterVarsity, Living Hope Church, The Lumen Christi Institute, MakeNew, the Calvert House Catholic Center, the Catholic Students Association, and the Saint Thomas More Society. From pop psychology to legal annals, the pursuit of happiness individually and collectively remains […]

Flannery O’Connor and the Vision of Grace

University Club of Chicago 76 E Monroe St Chicago, IL 60603, Downtown, IL

Flannery O’Connor is one of the most celebrated American fiction writers.  Yet she has often been misunderstood by the very critics who praise her.  O’Connor was sometimes called a hillbilly nihilist, but she responded that she was simply “a hillbilly Thomist.” In this talk, Dr. Frey explores the action of divine grace in the short stories […]

Iris Murdoch on Philosophy and Literature

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

This luncheon seminar for students and faculty examined essays by Dame Iris Murdoch on literature, philosophy, morality, virtue, and the concept good. The focus of discussion centered on why Murdoch thinks truth, understood as a clear vision of reality, is the fundamental goal of literature, philosophy, and virtue. Iris Murdoch studied at Oxford and Cambridge (where she studied […]

Creation: Artistic & Divine

Swift Hall 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

This event was open to high school students, parents, and teachers. Co-sponsored by Mundelein Seminary, the Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Office, Relevant Radio, and the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. This program was made possible in part by a gift from the Paluch Family Foundation and a grant from […]

Does Prayer Bring Happiness?

The Monastery of the Holy Cross 3111 South Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60608, Chicago, IL

This event was open to university students and faculty, and was co-sponsored by Calvert House. On the evening of February 22nd, students and faculty joined together for an edifying evening of prayer, dinner, and conversation with the Benedictine monks at the Monastery of the Holy Cross on the south side of Chicago. Their evening program consisted of praying […]

Pope, Councils, Bishops, and Synods: Insights from St. Dominic and the Order of Preachers for Governance in the Church

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

The malfeasance of bishops and priests has led to a call for reform of the institution of the Church. There is a peril in this: the Church is animated and governed by the Holy Spirit and an overemphasis upon the institutional structure of the Church runs the risk of stifling the Spirit. As a path for reform, […]

Master Class on Yves Congar’s “True and False Reform in the Church”

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

This program was open to students, faculty, and staff.  Is a reform of the church really possible? Yves Congar’s True and False Reform (1950), although initially restricted by the Holy See, became an instrumental text in setting the stage for the Second Vatican Council, and remained one of the most important theological works of the 20th […]

Is it Rational to Believe in Miracles? A Discussion of David Hume’s Argument Against Believing in Miracles

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Can one be rational and also believe in miracles? The philosophers of the Enlightenment held that it was impossible for the laws of nature to allow such ruptures: to believe in miracles was to be de-facto irrational.  Voltaire said that a miracle was a "contradiction in terms," and Thomas Jefferson famously cut all the miracles […]