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February 29th @ 11:00 am - 2:00 pm

Master Class on Yves Congar’s “True and False Reform in the Church”

Feb 29
Master Class on Yves Congar's "True and False Reform in the Church"

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This program was open to students, faculty, and staff. 

Is a reform of the church really possible? Yves Congar’s True and False Reform (1950), although initially restricted by the Holy See, became an instrumental text in setting the stage for the Second Vatican Council, and remained one of the most important theological works of the 20th century. Pope John XXIII initially described the goals of the council in terms that reflected Congar’s description of authentic reform: reform that penetrates to the heart of doctrine as a message of salvation for the whole of humanity, that retrieves the meaning of prophecy in a living church, and that is deeply rooted in history rather than superficially related to the apostolic tradition.

Yves Congar, OP (1904-1995) was a French Dominican friar and theologian, and one of the most important ecclesiologists of the 20th century. His work pioneered a new style of theological research that linked the tradition of Scripture and the Fathers to contemporary pastoral questions. His work helped to revive theological interest in the Holy Spirit for the life of individuals and for the Church. He was made a cardinal of the Catholic Church in 1994.


9:30am Coffee & Pastries
10:00am Session I
11:25am Break
11:35am Session II
1:00pm End, lunch

Fr. Sweeney also gave an evening lecture on Thursday, February 27, entitled Pope, Councils, Bishops, and Synods: Insights from St. Dominic and the Order of Preachers for Governance in the Church



Gavin House

1220 E 58th St.
Chicago, IL 60637