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Globalization from the People: Fratelli Tutti and the Latino Social Teaching of Pope Francis

Free and open to the public. This event will be held online through Zoom (registration required) and live-streamed to YouTube. This event is part of a webinar series on Hispanic Theology. This event and series is made possible by a generous grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. The COVID-19 pandemic has been a flash point for globalization as a sign of the times, revealing the best and worst of our interconnected human family. Released during the pandemic, Pope Francis’s Fratelli tutti speaks directly to the political crisis of globalization, following the worldwide financial and ecological crises addressed in the previous two social encyclicals...

Among the Fragments: Race and the Fragile Hope of Wholeness in America

Free and open to the public. This event will be held online through Zoom. This event is presented by the Veritas Forum at the University of Chicago and co-sponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute, the University Bible Fellowship, Christ Church Chicago, Living Hope Church, Vineyard Church Hyde Park, CRU, Poema, the Christian Legal Society, InterVarsity, UChicago Lutheran Campus Ministry, Calvert House, and Holy Trinity Church. The legacy of race in America has left our society fragmented and fragile. But is there hope? Can Christianity provide a vision for joining these fragments together; a vision for human wholeness? Join Yale theologian Willie...

Was Something Lost? Thomas Aquinas, Intellectual Disability, and the 16th Century Spanish Colonial Debates

Free and open to the public. This event will be held online through Zoom (registration required) and live-streamed to YouTube. This event is part of a webinar series on Hispanic Theology. This event and series is made possible by a generous grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. This event is cosponsored by the National Catholic Partnership on Disability.  Live closed captioning will be made available on Zoom. In the 16th century, there was a subtle shift in the way the Spanish Dominican interpreters of Thomas Aquinas spoke about the anthropological and moral significance of our rational faculties. Historical and textual markers, indicating both the...

God is Complicated – Science is Complex

Free and open to the public. Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute's Newman Forum for High School Students. Cosponsored by The Society of Catholic Scientists and Mundelein Seminary. The most important development in modern science that you’ve likely never heard of is “Complexity Theory.” Why do highly ordered structures seem to emerge almost spontaneously from chaotic, random collections? Whether it’s galaxies forming in the early universe, thousands of birds forming single flocks that move in perfect unison, or the possible emergence of life from random interactions of organic molecules, Complexity Theory is producing exciting new insights into how it all comes together.  And if God works through complex systems, what does that...

United by Their Loves: Deciphering Augustine’s Understanding of a People

This event is cosponsored by America Media. The president in his inaugural address quoted Augustine of Hippo’s definition of a people as “a multitude defined by the common objects of their love.”  This surprising event offers us the occasion to consider Augustine’s definition and its implications for our understanding of life in society: what role do our loves play in fashioning us as people? Can disparate loves divide a people?  What does Augustine think we should love in order to belong to the people who inhabit the City of God?  Join us for a moderated conversation between Profs. Russell Hittinger, Michael...

Latino Youth and Evangelization

This event is part of a webinar series on Hispanic Theology. This event and series is made possible by a generous grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. There are complex dynamics to account for when examining the intersectionality of religious identity, social context, and the lived experience of young Latinx in the U.S, and there is much to reflect upon when attending to the everyday life or lo cotidiano of young Latinx. Current research shows that almost half of Catholics in the United States self-identify as Hispanic, and that more than half of those Hispanic Catholics are young. To better understand the religious dynamics of young Latinx, we first...

The Crisis of Mysticism: Quietism in 17th Century Spain, Italy, and France

Free and open to the public. This event will be held online through Zoom (registration required) and live-streamed to YouTube. This event is co-sponsored by the Collegium Institute, the Martin Marty Center for the Public Understanding of Religion, and Herder & Herder. The Crisis of Mysticism (Herder & Herder, 2021), by Bernard McGinn is the first book in English in seventy years to give a full account of the struggle over mystical spirituality that tore the Catholic Church apart at the end of the seventeenth century, resulting in papal condemnation of some mystics and the decline of mysticism in Catholicism for almost two centuries. Join Professors...

The Virgin Mary in the Art of Latin America 1520 – 1820

Free and open to the public. This event will be held online through Zoom (registration required) and live-streamed to YouTube. This event is co-presented with the Harvard Catholic Forum and co-sponsored by the Saint Benedict Institute, the Nova Forum, the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies, the Ars Vivendi Arts Initiative of the Collegium Institute, the St. Paul’s Catholic Center, the St. Lawrence Institute for Faith and Culture, and the New England Chapter of the Patron of the Arts Vatican Museums. Latin Americans in colonial times had an abounding love for the Virgin Mary. During these 300 years, devotions to Mary proliferated widely, particularly among Amerindian...

Beauty and Justice in the City: the Restoration of St. Adalbert’s, in Pilsen

Free and open to the public. This event was held online through Zoom and live-streamed to YouTube. This event is part of a webinar series on Hispanic Theology. This event and series are made possible by a generous grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. Latinx Theology has always had a dual focus on the beauty of the symbols of Popular Catholicism and the cry of the poor in urban settings. In this session, one of the premier Latina voices on beauty and justice, Dr. Michelle Gonzalez Maldonado, will have a discussion with a long-time community activist in Chicago about the application of this dyad to...

West Suburban Catholic Culture Series on “The Liturgy”

Ruth Lake Country Club 6200 South Madison Street, Hinsdale, IL

REGISTER HERE FOR THE JUNE 9 PRACTICUM In 1918, the German priest Romano Guardini lamented that “the lack of fruitful and lofty culture causes spiritual life to grow numbed and narrow.” The remedy was that “prayer must be simple, wholesome, and powerful,” while also being “rich in ideas and powerful images, and speak a developed but restrained language.” Guardini concluded that this “is precisely the way in which the prayer of the liturgy has been formed.” The events of recent months have made us acutely aware of what we lose when the Church’s rites, ceremonies, and corporate worship (the liturgy) are...