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May 1st @ 10:00 am

United by Their Loves: Deciphering Augustine’s Understanding of a People

May 01
United by Their Loves: Deciphering Augustine’s Understanding of a People

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This event is cosponsored by America Media.

The president in his inaugural address quoted Augustine of Hippo’s definition of a people as “a multitude defined by the common objects of their love.”  This surprising event offers us the occasion to consider Augustine’s definition and its implications for our understanding of life in society: what role do our loves play in fashioning us as people? Can disparate loves divide a people?  What does Augustine think we should love in order to belong to the people who inhabit the City of God?  Join us for a moderated conversation between Profs. Russell Hittinger, Michael Sherwin, O.P., and Jennifer Frey on Augustine and the loves that form a People.

