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April 29th @ 7:00 pm

God is Complicated – Science is Complex

Apr 29
God is Complicated – Science is Complex

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Free and open to the public. Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute’s Newman Forum for High School Students. Cosponsored by The Society of Catholic Scientists and Mundelein Seminary.

The most important development in modern science that you’ve likely never heard of is “Complexity Theory.”

Why do highly ordered structures seem to emerge almost spontaneously from chaotic, random collections?

Whether it’s galaxies forming in the early universe, thousands of birds forming single flocks that move in perfect unison, or the possible emergence of life from random interactions of organic molecules, Complexity Theory is producing exciting new insights into how it all comes together.  And if God works through complex systems, what does that tell us about the divine ordering of the natural world?  Join us at 7pm CT on Zoom for a fascinating dive into complexity.

Please consider helping to underwrite the cost of the event, so it can reach the widest audience of Catholic high school students. Click HERE to donate, and be sure to indicate “High School Program” or “Newman Forum” in the memo.

