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Reading Groups
Event Series Latin Vulgate Reading Group

Latin Vulgate Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

St. Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible was used exclusively by the Western Church for centuries; its significance for the Roman Catholic tradition cannot be overstated. In this group, we will work through sections of the Vulgate in order to appreciate its beauty and practice our Latin. For the first session, no preparation is necessary; we will decide together which texts we will read. Please come with a desire to grow in Latin Bible knowledge with St. Jerome and friends!

Reading Groups

On the Nature of Angels: Thomas Aquinas Reading Course

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago, IL

One of St. Thomas Aquinas's very last projects was a treatise on angels. With a more historical approach than that of either Summa on the subject, it addresses such topics the immateriality of angels, their origin, their knowledge, and the distinctions among them, including the distinction between the good ones and the bad ones. Along the way, it offers some of Thomas’s most sophisticated discussions of the metaphysics of creation, hylomorphism, and participation.