University of California, Berkeley

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Events at this venue

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA
Russell Hittinger, Catholic University of America | Scott Roniger, Loyola Marymount University

In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic social thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009) and Evangelii Gaudium (2013). This intensive course is multi-disciplinary, since […]

Truth and Authority in Augustine’s City of God

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

APPLY HERE This seminar is an intensive week-long course in how to read, analyze, and discern the many themes in Augustine’s most ambitious and sprawling work. The City of God tells the history of two societies, and their respective origins, progress, and appointed ends. The story is engaged first from the evidence of profane history […]

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

APPLY HERE In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic social thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009) and Evangelii Gaudium (2013). This intensive course is […]

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

APPLICATIONS FOR THIS SEMINAR ARE CLOSED In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic social thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009) and Evangelii Gaudium (2013). […]

Truth and Authority in Augustine’s City of God

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

You can download the poster here. In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic Social Thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009) and Evangelii Gaudium (2013). […]

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic Social Thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009) and Evangelii Gaudium (2013). This intensive course is multi-disciplinary, since […]

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic Social Thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009). This intensive course is multi-disciplinary, since this tradition […]

Truth and Authority in Augustine’s City of God

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

APPLICATION DEADLINE IS NOW FEBRUARY 15 APPLY HERE This seminar is an intensive five-day course in how to read, analyze, and discern the many themes in Augustine’s most ambitious and sprawling work. The City of God tells the history of two societies, and their respective origins, progress, and appointed ends. The story is engaged first from the […]

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

In this seminar, students will read, analyze, and discern continuities and discontinuities in Catholic Social Thought from the late 19th century to the present. Lectures, seminar reports, and discussion will focus on original sources (encyclicals and other magisterial documents), beginning with Rerum novarum (1892) and concluding with Caritas in veritate (2009). This intensive course is multi-disciplinary, since this tradition […]

St. Thomas Aquinas on Law

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

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