The Life and Legacy of Saint Oscar Romero
University Club of Chicago 76 E Monroe St Chicago, IL 60603, Downtown, ILListen to the address as a podcast episode. You can subscribe to the Lumen Christi Institute Podcast via our Soundcloud page, iTunes channel, Stitcher, TuneIn, ListenNotes, Podbean, Pocket Casts, and Google Play Music. To view photos of the talk, visit Lumen Christi's Facebook page. This program was made possible in part by a grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. Join us for a luncheon talk on the recently canonized Óscar Romero. Since his death in 1980, the world is still absorbing the witness of Óscar Romero, the Archbishop of San Salvador, martyred for his commitment to the poor and social justice. Prof. Lee will consider how Romero’s witness...