Medical Ethics, Science Fiction, and What it Means to be Human

Medical Ethics, Science Fiction, and What it Means to be Human

Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute’s Newman Forum. Open to current high school students. This event is cosponsored by the University of Saint Mary of the Lake at Mundelein Seminary, the Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Office, and Duc in Altum schools collaborative.   In a world of genetic engineering, what does it mean to be human? Do rapid medical advancements tempt us to ‘play God’? What if you could implant a device that would improve your memory? Would you do it? Should you do it? Should you be allowed to take the ACT with a “memory prosthesis?” Should insurance companies be able to analyze…

God is Complicated – Science is Complex

God is Complicated – Science is Complex

Free and open to the public. Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute’s Newman Forum for High School Students. Cosponsored by The Society of Catholic Scientists and Mundelein Seminary. The most important development in modern science that you’ve likely never heard of is “Complexity Theory.” Why do highly ordered structures seem to emerge almost spontaneously from chaotic, random collections? Whether it’s galaxies forming in the early universe, thousands of birds forming single flocks that move in perfect unison, or the possible emergence of life from random interactions of organic molecules, Complexity Theory is producing exciting new insights into how it all comes together.  And if God works through complex systems, what does that…

How to Run Away From Home: Preparing for College as a Catholic

How to Run Away From Home: Preparing for College as a Catholic

Cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago Vocations Office and the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary.   You’ve been told since you started school that you need to go away to college. Leave home, get an education, and begin “adulting.” Everyone has a “guide” for the journey: Kaplan, Fiske, US News, Princeton Review, and so on. But if you’re looking for an account of how to leave home in order to find it, you won’t find a better guide than Scripture, believe it or not. The Bible can be considered one big story of leaving home in order…

Big Questions and Catholic Scientists: A Science and Religion Fair for High School Students

Big Questions and Catholic Scientists: A Science and Religion Fair for High School Students

Open to all high school students, parents, and teachers. Students attend for FREE (and all adult admission fees are waived if accompanied by at least one student.) In partnership with the Soceity of Catholic Scientists and the McGrath Institute for Church Life. Cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago Vocations Office and the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary.  Want to learn from accomplished Catholic scientists about the harmony of faith and science? Interested in the Big Questions on the frontiers of scientific discovery? Then come to this Science and Religion Fair on February 5th at the University of…