Exile and the canzone in Dante’s Earthly Paradise

Exile and the canzone in Dante's Earthly Paradise

Cosponsored by the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures and the Medieval Studies Workshop Often considered the greatest work of Italian literature, Dante’s Divine Comedy depicts the exiled soul’s journey to God. […]

The Divine is Everywhere

The Divine is Everywhere

Read the Chicago Maroon article about Dana Gioia’s visit to the University of Chicago HERE. Dana Gioia—award-winning poet (American Book Award, 2002; Notre Dame’s Laetare Medal Recipient, 2010) and former Chairman […]

John of the Cross: A Mystic’s Poetry

John of the Cross: A Mystic's Poetry

John of the Cross (1542-1591), saint and doctor of the church, is known for his mystical doctrine and his theme of the “dark night.” This lecture explores John’s stunningly beautiful […]

A Mother’s Mother: Music for St. Anne

A Mother's Mother: Music for St. Anne

“A Mother’s Mother: Music for St. Anne” Friday, May 9: 7:30pm Bond Chapel, University of Chicago (northeast of Ellis Ave. and 59th St.) Saturday, May 10: 8:00pm St. Clement Church, […]

Music of the Hours

June 14, 2014, 7:30pm St. Anthony of Padua Church West Harrison, NY June 15, 2014, 2:00pm The Morgan Library & Museum Gilder Lehrman Hall New York City, NY. Order tickets. […]