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Summer Seminars

Self Knowledge as “First Philosophy:” Introducing Bernard Lonergan

Boston College 140 Commonwealth Avenue, Chestnut Hill, MA, United States
Roberto J. De La Noval, Boston College | Jeremy D. Wilkins, Boston College

Apply Here The seminar is co-presented by the Lonergan Institute. This graduate seminar is designed as an advanced introduction to the thought of Bernard Lonergan, SJ. The seminar will examine Lonergan’s approach to self-knowledge and “self-appropriation,” epistemology, and method in metaphysics and theology. The main text for the course will be Lonergan's seminal Insight: A Study of Human Understanding. Upon first publication in 1957, Insight was greeted by reviewers as “probably… one of the great philosophical treatises of the century,” “a profound book… evincing an extraordinary sense for the persistent significance of ancient and medieval thought in the light of...

Summer Seminars

Truth and Authority in Augustines City of God

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA
Michael Sherwin | Russell Hittinger, Catholic University of America

Apply here This seminar is an intensive week-long course in how to read, analyze, and discern the many themes in Augustine’s most ambitious and sprawling work. The City of God tells the history of two societies, and their respective origins, progress, and appointed ends. The story is engaged first from the evidence of profane history (I-XI) and then from the evidence of revelation (XII-XXII). In this seminar, participants will discuss how Augustine reckons with the crisis of the ancient and the human city, and whether it is possible to reconcile truth and authority across the competing domains of polity, religion,...

Summer Seminars
Event Series Summer Seminars

Economics and Catholic Social Thought – A Primer

Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, Macul, Santiago de Chile, Chile
Andrew Yuengert, Pepperdine University | Joseph Kaboski, University of Notre Dame | Kirk Doran, University of Notre Dame | Mary Hirschfeld, University of Notre Dame

Apply here Now in its eight year, this seminar is designed as an introduction and immersion into Catholic social thought for graduate students and junior faculty in economics, finance, or related fields. Participants will cover foundational principles in Catholic social thought, starting with the human person, dignity, freedom, subsidiarity, solidarity, and the common good, and moving toward applications of these principles to conceptual understandings and ethical considerations involving economic topics such as utility theory, firm and business ethics, wages, markets, globalization, poverty, and development. Participants will delve into social encyclicals, secondary sources, and relevant economics texts. This seminar is sponsored...