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“The Making of Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae”

Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Co-sponsored by the Medieval Studies Workshop The Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas stands among the finest expressions of the Catholic “understanding of faith” (intellectus fidei). Over a thousand commentaries have been written on it. A leading historian of Medieval Christian thought, Bernard McGinn explores Thomas’s reason for writing the Summa and its principles, structure, and originality.

“John Climacus” Non-Credit Course

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Lecture, 7:00pm Informal Dinner, 6:30pm Intended for University students, faculty, and recent graduates. Others interested in attending, contact info@lumenchristi.org. May 24 “John Climacus: Cleansing, Death, and Resurrection in his "The Ladder of Divine Ascent” Perry Hamalis (North Central College) Co-sponsored by the Orthodox Christian Fellowship John Climacus (ca. 579-ca. 659) uses a number of analogies to describe the […]

St. Thomas Aquinas on Law

University of California, Berkeley S Hall Rd. Berkeley, CA 94720, Berkeley, CA

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“The Second Vatican Council and the Church’s Engagement with the Modern World”

Rosenwald 405 1101 East 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Cosponsored by the University of Chicago Ethics Club After decades of ideological upheaval that often placed the Catholic Church in conflict with modernity, Pope John XXIII convened the Second Vatican Council in part to open a dialogue with modern culture. This lecture will reflect on the theological developments that led to Vatican II's Pastoral Constitution […]

“The Book of Psalms” Non-Credit Course

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Lecture: 7:00PM Informal Dinner: 6:30PM October 16: The Prayer Book of Jesus What are the psalms and how did they become a psalter? The introductory class will address the nature of Jewish prayer and Hebrew poetry, lay out the various genres of psalms, and discuss the compilation of psalms into a book of the Old Testament […]

“What Makes Music Sacred?”

Social Sciences, Room 122 1126 E 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Cosponsored by the Department of Music and the Medieval Studies Workshop While it is easy to recognize traditional forms of sacred music: Gregorian chant, classical polyphony, organ music, choral music, and vernacular hymns it is difficult to pinpoint what it is that makes music sacred? This lecture will reflect upon the relation of the sacred and […]

“Gregorian Chant as Splendor Formae of the Liturgy”

Classics 110 1010 E 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Cosponsored by the Department of Music and the Medieval Studies Workshop A principal Medieval definition of beauty is splendor formae, the manifesting of the very nature or form of a thing. While the liturgy can be described as a great divine action, it is also comprised of a variety of discrete chants. Being entirely sung, its Gregorian […]

“Vatican II’s Declaration on Religious Liberty, 50 Years Later”

Goodspeed Hall, Fulton Recital Hall 1010 East 59th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Cosponsored by The Department of History and The St. Thomas More Society At the third plenary session of Vatican II, Fr. John Courtney Murray said that the issue of religious liberty  the American issue at the Council. Yet it took the longest to write, and, after undergoing thousands of comments and corrections over four years, it […]

“Shakespeare, Identity, and Religion”

Swift Hall, 3rd Floor Lecture 1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL

Cosponsored by The Nicholson Center for British Studies Whether Shakespeare was Catholic has long been a point of speculation. Recent research into the life of Oxford philosopher and double agent William Sterrell has revealed a neglected group of Catholics connected to Shakespeare at and around the courts of Queen Elizabeth and King James. The potential influence […]