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Visit to the Monastery of the Holy Cross

The Monastery of the Holy Cross 3111 South Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60608, Chicago, IL

Open to current university students and faculty. Others interested in attending please contact dstrobach@lumenchristi.org. Transportation will be provided. Join us for an edifying evening of prayer, dinner, and conversation with the Benedictine monks at the Monastery of the Holy Cross on the south side of Chicago. We will pray the Divine Office (Vespers and Compline), have dinner, and […]

G.K. Chesterton’s Orthodoxy: Reading Course

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL
Fr. Peter Bernardi, SJ, Lumen Christi Institute

Open to current students at the University of Chicago. Participants can come to whichever sessions they choose. Books, lunch, and beverages will be provided.  Author of the Father Brown detective stories, journalist, poet and literary critic, social philosopher, hagiographer, and popular Christian apologist, the multi-faceted genius of Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) eludes easy classification!  You are invited to […]

Catholic Culture Series on “Faith and Reason”

Ruth Lake Country Club 6200 South Madison Street, Hinsdale, IL
Matthew Gaetano, Hillsdale College

The West Suburban Catholic Culture Series returns in 2024 to continue its series on "Faith and Reason as the Two Wings: The History and Enduring Importance of Catholic Philosophy" REGISTER HERE (Business casual attire encouraged. For questions, please email Marial Corona at mcorona@lumenchristi.org). Schedule: 6:30 p.m. Drinks | 7:00 p.m. Dinner, Lecture, & Q&A | 8:30 p.m. End May […]

The Humanity of the Saints We Study: 2nd Annual Forum on the Vocation of the Patristic Theologian

Beane Hall, Lewis Towers, Loyola University of Chicago Water Tower Campus 111 East Pearson St, Chicago, IL 60611, Chicago, IL
Morwenna Ludlow, University of Exeter | Paul Blowers, Milligan University | Lewis Ayres, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum, Rome

Register Here  This reception and forum, following the annual meeting of the North American Patristics Society, is co-sponsored by the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies and the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage at the Loyola University of Chicago. “Grace, as we are out to believe, should preserve the pastors of the church and […]

Economics and Catholic Social Thought: A Primer

University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, IN 46556, Notre Dame, IN
Andrew Yuengert, Pepperdine University | Joseph Kaboski, University of Notre Dame | Kirk Doran, University of Notre Dame | Mary Hirschfeld, University of Notre Dame

Now in its seventh year, this seminar is designed as an introduction and immersion into Catholic social thought for graduate students and junior faculty in economics, finance, or related fields. Participants will cover foundational principles in Catholic social thought, starting with the human person, dignity, freedom, subsidiarity, solidarity, and the common good, and moving toward applications […]

What is Social Science? Charles Taylor’s Catholic Vision of Human Behavior

University of Southern California University Park Campus 3551 Trousdale Pkwy Los Angeles, CA 90007, Los Angeles, CA
Jason Blakely, Pepperdine University

Are the social sciences properly scientific? Will we one day discover a social physics—perhaps a blend of psychology, economics, and algorithms—that allows us to predict and engineer our common life? No one has done more intellectual work to cast doubt on these techno-utopian claims than Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor. In this seminar we will explore […]

Early Christian Old Testament Exegesis

University of St. Michael's College 81 St. Mary's Street Toronto, ON M5S 1J4, Toronto, ON
Paul Blowers, Milligan University | Rev. Andrew Summerson, University of St. Michael’s College | Lewis Ayres, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum, Rome

Co-presented with the Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies at the University of St. Michael's College Scripture is the soul, shape, and content of early Christian theology. This week-long seminar will offer an intensive exploration of the foundational texts, concepts, and movements in Early Christian Old Testament exegesis from 100-700 AD. LOCATION AND FORMAT · […]

Catholic Social Thought in Business Education

University of Saint Thomas, Minnesota St. Paul Campus 2115 Summit Ave St. Paul, MN 55105, St. Paul, MN
Andreas Widmer, Catholic University of America | Jeffrey Burks, University of Notre Dame | Martin Schlag, University of Saint Thomas | Lloyd Sandelands, University of Michigan

Apply here We are pleased to announce the fourth annual seminar on "Business and Catholic Social Thought: A Primer." During the seminar, graduate students and faculty members in business schools will cover foundational principles in Catholic social thought and apply them to their own field of research and teaching. This seminar aims at widening epistemological preconceptions […]

St. Thomas Aquinas on Free Choice

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park, IL
Stephen Brock, University of Chicago

This seminar will be a five-day, intensive discussion aimed at understanding and evaluating St. Thomas Aquinas’ account of liberum arbitrium and of the psychological and metaphysical principles that underlie it. The sessions will center on passages from the Summa Theologiae, but we will also refer to other works of Aquinas, such as the De Malo and the Commentary on Aristotle’s Metaphysics, and to […]

The Thought of John Henry Newman

Linacre College St. Cross Road, Oxford OX1 3JA, Oxford, United Kingdom
Stephen Fields, Georgetown University

Now in its eleventh year, this intensive seminar will examine the achievements of Saint John Henry Newman as a theologian, philosopher, educator, preacher, and writer. Remarkably, in each of these areas Newman produced works that have come to be recognized as classics: An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, The Grammar of Assent, The Idea […]

Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Catholic Thought

Duke University Chapel Drive Durham , NC 27708, Durham, NC
Paul Scherz, University of Virginia | Peter Casarella, Duke Divinity School

The last few years have seen the rapid advance of artificial intelligence (AI), bearing potentially great benefits for the common good but also many dangers. AI applications are shaping society and individual life, leaving governments, businesses, and individuals struggling to address the effects of this powerful technology. This five-day seminar will explore how the Catholic […]

AI Ethics, Human Flourishing, and Trust in Health Care

Matthew Elmore, Duke AI Health | Thomas Pfau, Duke University | Michael J. Pencina, Duke Health | Norman Wirzba, Duke Divinity School

How are our imaginations deepened when the humanities and the sciences enter into a conversation? Join us for a lecture and panel discussion among scholars, including theologians, ethicists, and data scientists. This event is co-sponsored by Duke Health, Fons Vitae at Duke Divinity, and the Lumen Christi Institute at the University of Chicago. The evening […]