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January 30th @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

The Human Person and Biotechnology: Artificial Intelligence and its Limitations

Jan 30
AI and Biotech AdobeStock_92700006



Artificial intelligence is increasingly interfacing with all aspects of human life, raising particular ethical challenges in medicine and biotechnology. The ethical challenges of AI must be grounded in the limits of the discipline it is applied to. Medicine has seen amazing advances in the last few decades, but these advances also raise questions about limits, especially in living patients. We must ask: What are the limits of medicine and biotech – and how does this translate into limits on the use of AI in these fields? This public panel will serve to explore what the limits in medicine and biotech are and what role the wisdom of the Christian tradition can play in forming them.

Students and faculty are also invited to join us on Friday, January 31, for a master class on Technology, Culture, and Virtue, with Professors Jeffrey Bishop, Megan Levis, and Walter Scheirer. Readings will be provided to registrants


For more information, contact gzokal@lumenchristi.org

This event is made possible through the support of ‘In Lumine: Supporting the Catholic Intellectual Tradition on Campuses Nationwide’ (Grant #62372) from the John Templeton Foundation.

Knapp Center for Biological Discovery Room 1103

900 E 57th street Chicago, IL 60637
Hyde Park, IL



Rick Stevens
Matthew Elmore
Matthew Elmore
Jeffrey P. Bishop
Jeffrey P. Bishop
Stephen C. Meredith
Stephen C. Meredith