University of Chicago–TBA

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  3. University of Chicago–TBA
Events at this venue

Recovering Hymnography Symposium

University of Chicago–TBA N/A, Hyde Park, IL
Jeffrey Wickes, University of Notre Dame | Cappella Romana, Vocal Ensemble | Susan Ashbrook Harvey, Brown University | Fr. Brian Dunkle, SJ, Boston College School of Theology and Ministry | Ashley Purpura, Purdue University | Rev. Andrew Summerson, University of St. Michael’s College

The Lumen Christi Institute, The Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, and the Fordham Center for Orthodox Christian Studies Present: Recovering Hymnography Symposium May 15-16, 2022 | University of Chicago Free and open to the public. Please note you must register for each day separately. This symposium will explore the tradition of hymnography as both […]

CANCELED: Brian Patrick McGuire on St. Bernard of Clairvaux

University of Chicago–TBA N/A, Hyde Park, IL

Due to restrictions put in place in response to the spread of COVID-19, this event has been postponed. We look forward to scheduling similar programming in the future. Details for this event TBA

CANCELED: Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, & Aquinas on the Soul

University of Chicago–TBA N/A, Hyde Park, IL

Due to restrictions put in place in response to the spread of COVID-19, this event has been postponed. We look forward to scheduling similar programming in the future. Further details TBA

CANCELED: Panel on Joseph Singer’s “Persuasion”

University of Chicago–TBA N/A, Hyde Park, IL

Due to restrictions put in place in response to the spread of COVID-19, this event has been postponed. We look forward to scheduling similar programming in the future. Lawyers have techniques to persuade decision-makers about what the law should be, using arguments based on common values, storytelling, and framing to help us see our own values […]

CANCELED: A Report from the German Synod

University of Chicago–TBA N/A, Hyde Park, IL

Due to restrictions put in place in response to the spread of COVID-19, this event has been postponed. We look forward to scheduling similar programming in the future.

CANCELLED: The Recovered Image: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and the Inklings

University of Chicago–TBA N/A, Hyde Park, IL

Due to unforeseen personal reasons, Carol & Philip Zaleski’s visit has been postponed. We hope to reschedule this event for a future date. Thursday, March 31, 7:00pm University of Chicago, Location TBA Carol & Philip Zaleski (Smith College) REGISTER HERE cosponsored by the Seminary Co-op Bookstore The literary historian, novelist and critic C. S. Lewis […]