Georgetown University theology professor Father John W. O’Malley, SJ, broached the topic of Church governance during a lecture at the University of Chicago, sponsored by the Lumen Christi Institute Dec. 4.
“We English majors were fortunate in the timing of our intellectual coming of age as Catholic.” Kenneth L. Woodward, longtime Religion Editor at Newsweek, is profiled.
McGill University Professor Explains How We Arrived at the Modern Myth of Autonomy.
Rémi Brague reflects on the quality of the current day's communication and that quality's impact on conservation.
Georgetown theologian John Haught addresses the arguments and thought of the so-called "new atheists:" Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett.
The Lumen Christi Institute organized a symposium titled “The Interior Life: Literary, Psychoanalytic, and Spiritual Perspectives” (January 28), featuring presentations by University of Chicago professors Bernard McGinn, Jonathan Lear, Lisa Ruddick, and Rosanna Warren.
On November 15th, Gustavo Gutiérrez gave an informal talk on “Contemplation and Action” at Gavin House prior to taking part in a Chicago Council on Global Affairs event later that evening.
Paolo Carozza, currently teaching at Notre Dame Law School but having also taught at Harvard Law School, the University of Florence, the University of Milan, and the University of Chile, lectures during The Lumen Christi Institute's recent conference “Pacem in terris After 50 Years."