Lumen Christi Institute
Making the Catholic intellectual tradition a vital part of the secular university
Featured Events & News

Symposium | Gender, The Body, and Holiness in the Middle Ages
How does the gendering of images work to render Thomas of Cantimpré’s portraits of holy women vivid, compelling, desirable? How is gender undone in his hagiographies, its expectations countered? How does gendering the saint work together with other elements of Thomas’s theology of sanctity? How is the hagiographer gendered in relation to the saint?
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On the Nature of Angels: Thomas Aquinas Student Reading Course
This student reading group explores one of St. Thomas Aquinas's last projects was a treatise on angels, which addresses such topics the immateriality of angels, their origin, their knowledge, and the distinctions among them. It offers some of Thomas’s most sophisticated discussions of the metaphysics of creation, hylomorphism, and participation.
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Job Opening: Finance and Facilities Coordinator
The Lumen Christi Institute (LCI) seeks a Finance and Facilities Coordinator to join its growing team of young professionals and academics. This is a full-time position.
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LCI Nicklin Fellow Francesco Rahe Wins Rhodes Scholarship
We are proud to share that Francesco Rahe, one of the Lumen Christi Institute’s Nicklin Fellows, has joined the esteemed ranks of Rhodes Scholars, a group that includes many of the most distinguished leaders, thinkers, and scholars of our time.
Learn MoreLumen Christi has been one of the great spiritual achievements of the last 25 years. And to see Lumen Christi flourishing so well and expanding around the country is a sign of tremendous hope for the Church.
– Bishop Robert Barron

The longest intellectual tradition of any institution in the contemporary world.
Celebrated University of Chicago President Robert Maynard Hutchins once remarked that the Catholic Church has “the longest intellectual tradition of any institution in the contemporary world.” The mission of the Lumen Christi Institute is to make the Catholic intellectual tradition a vital part of the secular university and the broader culture. The Lumen Christi Institute’s programs enrich academic communities at the University of Chicago and beyond with the insights of Catholic thought, in order to engage our secular culture in dialogue and ultimately to renew our civilization by forming leaders for a global society in need of Christian wisdom.

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Making the Catholic intellectual tradition a vital part of the secular university