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Can we be good on our own, or do we need divine assistance? Four scholars explored this question in a symposium that was the highlight of LCI’s spring University Program Series. With Emily Austin (University of Chicago) moderating, Angela Knobel (University of Dallas), Candace Vogler (University of Chicago), and Daniel Lapsley (University of Notre Dame) reflected on the relationship between Aristotle’s and Aquinas’ moral frameworks from theological, philosophical, practical, and behavioral-scientific perspectives.   

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“Science and Religion: A Dialogue of Cultures” will educate students, faculty, and the public through lectures, panel discussions, master classes, and summer seminars

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With the aid of an Our Sunday Visitor Institute grant, Lumen Christi is planning three signature symposia

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The Scientific Revolution that took place in the 17th century and gave birth to modern science did not develop in opposition to revealed religion argued Stephen M. Barr—Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Director of the Bartol Research Institute at the University of Delaware—in his lecture “Science and Religion: The Myth of Conflict” given at the University of Chicago on April 9th.

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