• The Creation of the St. Irenaeus Institute: A Summer Seminar Story

    The concrete impetus for the St. Irenaeus Institute was a Lumen Christi summer seminar in 2021 on Irenaeus’ Against the Heresies (co-led by Fr. John Behr and Lewis Ayres), which we both attended. Joshua excitedly shared some insights from the seminar with seminarians from his hometown of Milwaukee, and they expressed a desire for a forum to learn more about Irenaeus and his work. Thus, the Fides Patrum (“Faith of the Fathers”) seminar was launched in September 2021 at the local Newman Center at UW-Milwaukee. 

  • Interview with John Boyer, Professor of History and Former Dean of the College (University of Chicago)

  • Meet Our Students: Nicklin Fellows Program

  • Can We Be Good on Our Own? A Symposium on Ancient and Modern Approaches to Virtue

    Can we be good on our own, or do we need divine assistance? Four scholars explored this question in a symposium that was the highlight of LCI’s spring University Program Series. With Emily Austin (University of Chicago) moderating, Angela Knobel (University of Dallas), Candace Vogler (University of Chicago), and Daniel Lapsley (University of Notre Dame) reflected on the relationship between Aristotle’s and Aquinas’ moral frameworks from theological, philosophical, practical, and behavioral-scientific perspectives.   



Also check out more articles in The Beacon archives


McGill University Professor Explains How We Arrived at the Modern Myth of Autonomy.

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From May 23-25, 2016, fifteen graduate students and junior faculty in Economics and Finance attended an inaugural seminar on Economics and Catholic Social Thought at the University of Notre Dame.

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It may come as a surprise—especially given Pope Francis’ current reputation as a pontiff concerned about the environment—that Pope Benedict XVI was considered in both religious and secular circles to be the original “Green Pope.” In boosting efforts to make Vatican City more environmentally efficient, he even purchased a forest to offset the Vatican’s carbon imprint.

Archbishop Thomas G. Wenski (Archdiocese of Miami) reminded the audience of Benedict in order to put Pope Francis’ contribution in perspective in his keynote address in the symposium, “Caring for our Common Home: Economics, Environment, & Catholic Social Thought” (May 19).

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In the symposium titled “The Inquisition: What Really Happened?” three scholars sought to clarify the numerous misconceptions surrounding the infamous period.

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The late Cardinal Francis George, O.M.I., left behind an impressive intellectual legacy for the American Catholic Church. Cardinal Timothy Dolan shared another side to his friend’s personality that most people did not always hear about.

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Alex Rothmeier, Booth School of Business alum, is profiled.

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Rémi Brague reflects on the quality of the current day's communication and that quality's impact on conservation.

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Jim Perry, Managing Director of the private equity firm Madison Dearborn Partners, discusses being a business leader who takes the social teaching of the Church seriously with Booth students.

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The Scientific Revolution that took place in the 17th century and gave birth to modern science did not develop in opposition to revealed religion argued Stephen M. Barr—Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Director of the Bartol Research Institute at the University of Delaware—in his lecture “Science and Religion: The Myth of Conflict” given at the University of Chicago on April 9th.

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The social-political ideals of individualism have a long history and profound influence upon American culture. But for Catholics, the family—not the individual—has priority.

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Georgetown theologian John Haught addresses the arguments and thought of the so-called "new atheists:" Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett.

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The Lumen Christi Institute organized a symposium titled “The Interior Life: Literary, Psychoanalytic, and Spiritual Perspectives” (January 28), featuring presentations by University of Chicago professors Bernard McGinn, Jonathan Lear, Lisa Ruddick, and Rosanna Warren.

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