In their seventeenth year, the Lumen Christi Institute Summer Seminars in the Catholic Intellectual Tradition introduce participants to central themes, figures, and texts from the Catholic tradition.
Details and application requirements will be available in the Event Calendar from December 5 on.
The Thought of Rene Girard – University of Southern California, June 15 to June 21, (Grant Kaplan, Trevor Merrill)
Catholic Social Thought in Business Education – University of Notre Dame, June 16 to June 19, (Jim Otteson, Lloyd Sandelands, Martin Schlag, Andreas Widmer)
Dionysius the Areopagite: The Corpus and Legacy – University of Toronto, June 22 to June 27, (Louis Ayres, Paul Blowers, Andrew Summerson)
Self-Knowledge as “First Philosophy”: Introducing Bernard Lonergan – Boston College, June 22 to June 28, (Robert de la Noval, Jeremy Wilkens)
Truth and Authority in Augustine’s City of God, University of California, Berkeley – July 27 to August 2, (Russ Hittinger, Michael Sherwin)
Economics and Catholic Social Thought: A Primer, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile – July 28 to August 1 (Kirk Doran, Mary Hirschfeld, Joseph Kaboski, Andrew Yuengert)