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WEBINAR: Young Catholic Professionals Great Books Seminar on Shakespeare

REGISTER HERE YCP membership is not required to register for the seminar. The Lumen Christi Institute is proud to partner with the Chicago chapter of Young Catholic Professionals (YCP) for the second year in a row. The 2020 Lumen Christi Institute - Young Catholic Professionals Great Books Seminar is an adult educational initiative aimed at equipping Catholic professionals 40 and under with a deeper understanding of the Catholic intellectual and literary traditions. Participants will gather monthly downtown for guided discussions on excerpts from celebrated texts. The cost of seminar registration covers course materials for the nine seminar meetings from February...

CANCELED: A Report from the German Synod

University of Chicago–TBA N/A, Hyde Park, IL

Due to restrictions put in place in response to the spread of COVID-19, this event has been postponed. We look forward to scheduling similar programming in the future.

WEBINAR: How NOT to Get Away with Murder

Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute’s Newman Forum. Open to current high school students. This event was made possible by a grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. We've run this event in-person, but now we're bringing it to you online! When you register, you will be sent a Zoom link to follow at the appointed time. You have three sections to choose from: 11:00am-12:00pm 1:00pm-2:00pm 3:00pm-4:00pm Are you already tired of being quarantined in your house? Feel a little bit like you might kill your siblings? The book of Genesis is one of the most interesting and difficult books of the Bible....

WEBINAR: Gregory the Great on Reading Scripture for Wisdom


This event is free and open to the public. Online registration is required. Registrants will receive an email witha link to join the webinar on Zoom. How can scripture guide our search for wisdom? Bernard McGinn, professor emeritus in the Divinity School of the University of Chicago, begins our webinar series on Reason and Wisdom in Medieval Christian Thought by presenting on Gregory the Great and reading scripture for wisdom. Pope Saint Gregory the Great lived in an age of tumult--war, waves of disease, economic depression, and civil deterioration. Alongside his administrative reforms and leadership, Gregory described a spirituality that centered around...

WEBINAR: Answering Your Atheist Philosophy Professor

Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute’s Newman Forum. Open to current high school students. This event was made possible by a grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute. You have two sections to choose from: 1:00pm-2:00pm (The previously listed 11:00-12:00 session has been combined with this later session.) 3:30pm-4:30pm Could God make something that He couldn't move? If God is perfect, why are humanity and the world so imperfect? In March of 2019, a San Diego State University professor of philosophy submitted an Opinion piece to the New York Times in which he claimed that God is an incoherent concept. The above are just some of the questions you...

WEBINAR: Anselm of Canterbury on the Rationality of Faith


REGISTER HERE This event is free and open to the public. Online registration is required. Registrants will receive a link to the webinar via email. You can also watch the live stream of the lecture on our YouTube Channel. Join us for the second installment of our Spring Webinar Series. Professor Aaron Canty, who teaches theology and medieval thought at Saint Xavier University, will present on the thought of Saint Anselm of Canterbury (d. 1106). Anselm was a startlingly original monastic writer and thinker who drank deeply of Augustinian and patristic theology but formulated his own theological and philosophical writings...

WEBINAR: Thomas Aquinas on Ways to Know God


Join us for the third installment of our Spring Webinar Series. Professor Brian Carl, who teaches philosophy at the University of St Thomas in Houston, will present on the thought of Saint Thomas of Aquinas, O.P. (d. 1274) on the ways to know God. Thomas was a friar of the Order of Preachers whose capacious mind bequeathed many treasures for the Christian tradition, including scriptural commentaries, philosophical treatises and commentary, his Summa theologiae, and devotional and liturgical texts. Thomas' approach to the knowledge of God is complex, acknowledging dialectical, rational, as well as revelatory, gracious, and mystical modes. This lecture...

Schola Antiqua – Music in Secret

St. Clement Parish 642 W Deming Pl. Chicago, IL 60614, Downtown, IL

The sounds flowing from pre-modern convents constitute one of the better kept secrets of music history. This spring, the women of Schola Antiqua, long-time Artists-in-Residence at the Lumen Christi Institute, return to the convent repertoire with a revamped "Music in Secret" program in Chicago. Under the direction of British organist and harpsichordist Naomi Gregory, this special concert of nuns' music has brought the group around the country in the last two years with appearances from New York to St. Louis. The lone performance of "Music in Secret" in the Chicago area will take place on Friday, April 24 at St. Clement Church....

WEBINAR: Disease and the Problem of Evil

Cosponsored by America Media, the Society of Catholic Scientists, the Saint Benedict Institute, the Beatrice Institute, the Collegium Institute, the Nova Forum, and the Program on Religion and Medicine at the University of Chicago. This program is made possible by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation. Whether caused by pathogens, environmental exposure, or genetics, disease is typically understood to be an unwarranted and unwanted removal from one’s normal condition of good health. While a natural phenomenon, disease raises classic questions of theodicy. If illness is a privation of the good of health, should we also understand disease to be an evil? How can...