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Lectures & Symposia

The Human Person and Biotechnology: Artificial Intelligence and its Limitations

Knapp Center for Biological Discovery Room 1103 900 E 57th street, Chicago, IL
Rick Stevens, The University of Chicago | Matthew Elmore, Duke AI Health | Jeffrey P. Bishop, Saint Louis University | Stephen C. Meredith, University of Chicago

REGISTER HERE for IN PERSON REGISTER HERE for ONLINE Artificial intelligence is increasingly interfacing with all aspects of human life, raising particular ethical challenges in medicine and biotechnology. The ethical challenges of AI must be grounded in the limits of the discipline it is applied to. Medicine has seen amazing advances in the last few decades, but these advances also raise questions about limits, especially in living patients. We must ask: What are the limits of medicine and biotech – and how does this translate into limits on the use of AI in these fields? This public panel will serve...


Cultural Forum

A Catholic Vision of Culture in the 21st Century | West Suburban Catholic Culture Series

Butterfield Country Club 2800 Midwest Rd, Oak Brook, IL, United States

REGISTRATION (Business casual attire encouraged. For questions, please email Marial Corona at mcorona@lumenchristi.org). Schedule: 6:30 p.m. Drinks | 7:00 p.m. Dinner, Lecture, & Q&A | 8:30 p.m. End February 27th Lux Claris, Lux Mundi: Journalism and Catholic Culture JD Flynn (The Pillar) As the Church has faced struggles in recent years, Pope Francis has repeatedly emphasized the role that journalists can play in the reform and renewal of the Church. But the mission of Catholics journalists is not always clear: they face the prophetic call of truth, and, at the same time, the common Christian vocation of the Great Commission. Can those work together?...

Lectures & Symposia

The Vocation of the Patristic Theologian: Teaching Nicaea

Lewis Towers, Loyola University of Chicago Water Tower Campus 111 E Pearson St, Chicago, United States
Michael C. Magree, Boston College | Khaled Anatolios, University of Notre Dame | Erin Walsh, University of Chicago | Paul Blowers, Milligan University | Lewis Ayres, Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas - Angelicum, Rome

REGISTER HERE Open to graduate students and faculty. While organized in conjunction with the North American Patristic Society Annual Meeting (NAPS), and targeted at graduate students and faculty working in this field, registration for NAPS is not a requirement to attend this program. For more information contact gzokal@lumenchristi.org  This forum invites graduate students and scholars of patristics to reflect on the nature of the craft and its relationship to contemporary theological studies, the academy, and church today. A panel of scholars will speak to this topic in reference to the teaching of Nicaea in commemoration of the 1700th anniversary. What does the...