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Cultural Forum

Magis Lecture | Technology, Liturgy, and the Work of Human Hands

Loyola Academy McGrath Family Performing Arts Center 3455 Illinois Rd, Wilmette, IL
Jeffrey P. Bishop, Saint Louis University

REGISTER HERE 5:00 Mass  | 5:45 Drinks & Hors d’Oeuvres  | 6:30 Lecture  | 7:15 End Co-presented by Loyola Academy.  Free and open to the public. Registration required. For questions, please contact Marial Corona at mcorona@lumenchristi.org. Technology always pushes the limits of our thinking and challenges us morally. In this presentation, we will see that our difficulty with evaluating the morality of technology is because technology sits very close to human identity. Human culture just is technology. Technology/culture is produced by us, but it in turn comes to produce human identity. If this is true, what do we make of the...

Cultural Forum

Magis Lecture | Faith, Belief, and Knowledge

Saint Ignatius College Prep 1076 W Roosevelt Rd, Chicago, IL
Fr. Adam Hincks, SJ, University of Toronto

"Believers are also thinkers: in believing, they think and in thinking, they believe." So said St. Augustine of Hippo, in contrast to our typical assumption that belief and knowledge are opposites, with belief associated with religious faith and knowledge with scientific thinking. In actual practice, though, there are many of instances of belief in science and many claims of knowledge in religion. In this talk Fr. Adam Hincks, S.J. (University of Toronto) will present knowledge and belief as interlocking rational activities and explore how they relate to religious faith.

Cultural Forum

A Catholic Vision of Culture in the 21st Century | West Suburban Catholic Culture Series

Butterfield Country Club 2800 Midwest Rd, Oak Brook, IL, United States

REGISTRATION (Business casual attire encouraged. For questions, please email Marial Corona at mcorona@lumenchristi.org). Schedule: 6:30 p.m. Drinks | 7:00 p.m. Dinner, Lecture, & Q&A | 8:30 p.m. End February 27th Lux Claris, Lux Mundi: Journalism and Catholic Culture JD Flynn (The Pillar) As the Church has faced struggles in recent years, Pope Francis has repeatedly emphasized the role that journalists can play in the reform and renewal of the Church. But the mission of Catholics journalists is not always clear: they face the prophetic call of truth, and, at the same time, the common Christian vocation of the Great Commission. Can those work together?...

Cultural Forum

The Prince and Father of Music: Palestrina at 500

Loyola Academy McGrath Family Performing Arts Center 3455 Illinois Rd, Wilmette, IL
Schola Antiqua of Chicago, Artists-in-Residence

REGISTER HERE The quincentennial of the birth of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina is an occasion to recognize the outstanding legacy of this talented musician not only in realm of sacred music but also in the history of composition more broadly. In an 80-minute concert presentation without intermission, Schola Antiqua explores an array of Palestrina’s sacred choral works, ranging from hymn and psalm settings to motets and spiritual madrigals. In-concert commentary illuminates Palestrina’s central role as conservator of Catholic plainchant and the ‘perfect art’ of imitative counterpoint. Schedule Forthcoming