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Event Category: Reading Groups
Audience: Undergraduate
Event Series The Brothers Karamazov

The Brothers Karamazov Reading Group

Gavin House 1220 E 58th St., Chicago

The Brothers Karamazov, Fyodor Dostoevsky’s final masterpiece,  explores the human questions of morality, freedom, reason, and belief, in the context of a captivating family drama. Rather than merely writing a philosophical treatise, Dostoevsky produced a work of literature, thereby warranting a complete reading of the text. This weekly dinnertime reading group for undergraduates is spread out over two quarters seeks to accomplish that task, primarily focusing on the philosophical and theological themes above, in an enriching communal setting. Sponsored by the LCI Nicklin Fellows Program.

The Letters of St. Ignatius of Antioch Reading Group

5554 S. Woodlawn Ave. Chicago, IL 60637, Hyde Park

Saint Ignatius, the second-century Bishop of Antioch, is known as a martyr, an "Apostolic Father," and the first writer to call the church "catholic." However, much like Saint Paul, who served as his literary model, Ignatius did not compose theological treatises, summas, or tractates but seven epistles sent to the churches in Rome and Asia Minor. They represent some of the earliest Christian writings apart from the New Testament itself and are an invaluable resource for theologians and historians alike. This reading group will journey with Ignatius to his eventual martyrdom in Rome, encountering along the way his sophisticated musings and instructions on topics like the nature of Christ, the role of the bishop, the canon of scripture, and the meaning of martyrdom. We will find in him an author who, in addition to being a portal into the early church, is remarkably personal and prescient and an expert guide to thinking about Christianity today.