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February 27th @ 4:00 pm - 5:45 pm

Gender, The Body, and Holiness in the Middle Ages

Feb 27
Exessive Saints

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Co-sponsored by the University of Chicago Divinity School, Medieval Studies Workshop, and Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality. For more information, contact dstrobach@lumenchristi.org.

This event will be a symposium on Rachel Smith’s (Villanova University) book, Excessive Saints: Gender, Narrative, and Theological Invention in Thomas of Cantimpré’s Mystical Hagiographies. Rachel Smith will outline the major themes of her work. Then, Willemien Otten (University of Chicago), Bernard McGinn (University of Chicago), and Barbara Newman (Northwestern University) will respond. Ryan Coyne (University of Chicago) will moderate the conversation.

How does the gendering of images work to render Thomas of Cantimpré’s portraits of holy women vivid, compelling, desirable? How is gender undone in his hagiographies, its expectations countered? How does gendering the saint work together with other elements of Thomas’s theology of sanctity? How is the hagiographer gendered in relation to the saint? In what ways might we see the limits of gender as a category of analysis in Thomas’s hagiographical works? How does gendering work in the context of vitae that use apophatic strategies to compose their saintly subjects?


Ryan Coyne
Ryan Coyne
Rachel Smith
Barbara Newman
Barbara Newman
Willemien Otten
McGinn Photo
Bernard McGinn



Swift Hall, First Floor Common Room

1025 E 58th St,Chicago, IL 60637
Hyde Park, IL