G.K. Chesterton's Orthodoxy: Reading Course

May 15, 2024
Gavin House
1220 E 58th St.
Chicago, IL 60637
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Fr. Peter Bernardi, SJLumen Christi Institute

Open to current students at the University of Chicago. Participants can come to whichever sessions they choose. Books, lunch, and beverages will be provided. 

Author of the Father Brown detective stories, journalist, poet and literary critic, social philosopher, hagiographer, and popular Christian apologist, the multi-faceted genius of Gilbert Keith Chesterton (1874-1936) eludes easy classification!  You are invited to engage with Chesterton’s insights into the ‘suicide of thought’, his defense of the common man over against Nietzsche’s ‘superman,’ and his extraordinary appreciation of ‘the romance of orthodoxy’ as set out in his classic work Orthodoxy.  There are no pre-requisites, only an openness for savoring paradoxes and skewering ideologies.

Copies of Chesterton's Orthodoxy will be provided. They may be picked up at Gavin House (1220 E 58th street) during buisness hours at the start of the spring quarter.


This group will meet on Wednesdays (beginning March 27th) from 1:00pm - 2:15pm over lunch.



Fr. Peter Bernardi, SJ is scholar-in-residence at the Lumen Christi Institute and Associate Professor Emeritus of Theology at Loyola University of Chicago, where he taught from 2010 to 2020. Before coming to Chicago he taught at Loyola University New Orleans from 1996 to 2010. Fr. Bernardi holds an Honors B.A. in Classical Languages from Xavier University (Cincinnati), an MA in Philosophy from the University of Detroit, a Master of Divinity from Regis College of the Toronto School of Theology, an STL from the Weston School of Theology with a thesis concerning soteriology, and a PhD in Systematic Theology from the Catholic University of America.

His areas of interest include modern Christian thought; John Henry Newman, Maurice Blondel, and the Renewal of Catholic Theology; Theology of Vatican II; Christology & Soteriology. He is the author of Maurice Blondel, Social Catholicism and Action Française: The Clash over the Church’s Role in Society During the Modernist Era (CUA Press, 2009).  His most recent scholarly publications are "Blondel, Maurice (1861–1949)" in the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers (2020), "Louis Cardinal Billot, S.J. (1846–1931): Thomist, Anti-Modernist, Integralist" in the Journal of Jesuit Studies 8 (2021): 585-616, and "Maurice Blondel's diagnosis of extrinsicist 'Monophorism': An enduring critique of Christian Integralism," in Pesando-Revista de Filosofia. Vol 13, No 30 (2022) Dossie Maurice Blondel, 100-113.