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May 18th @ 7:00 pm

Latino Christology

May 18
Latino Christology

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This event is part of a webinar series on Hispanic TheologyThis event and series are made possible by a generous grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.

Two experts on Latinx Christology will share their perspectives on the uniqueness as well as the universality of the Latinx spirituality of the crucified Christ. Beyond the stereotypical and often caricatured “bloody crucifix,” these scholars will lay out their complementary visions of how in the Hispanic Catholic tradition and in daily life today this Hispanic practical theology and cultural reality address the solidarity with the poor, the struggle to be a Church of the poor, and the transformative vulnerability and unheeded voices of lay and religious women.

Spring 2021 Hispanic Theology Series

In the last half century, the demographics of Catholicism in America has shifted dramatically as Latino Catholic communities continue to grow. Today, nearly 50 percent of American Catholics are Latino. What are the trends and currents of Hispanic theology in the US? How does it draw from the deep wells of polyglot Catholic Intellectual tradition and from the experience of Catholics on the ground? How is Hispanic theology a resource today not only for Latino communities, but also the broader Church?

Join Tuesdays this Spring as the Lumen Christi Institute presents some of the top Latino/a scholars in the United States for an introduction to Hispanic Theology.

This series and event is made possible by a generous grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute and cosponsored by  ACHTUS: The Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the US , La Comunidad of Hispanic Scholars of ReligionCorazón Puro, the Hispanic Theological InitiativeSaint Benedict Institute, the Nova ForumCalvert House Catholic MinistryDominican University Ministry Program, the Ecclesia in America Network, the Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage, the Óscar Romero Scholars Program at Catholic Theological UnionIskaliCommonweal Magazine, and America Media.

Upcoming events in our series:

May 25   The Ethics of Immigration, with Victor Carmona (University of San Diego) and Nichole Flores (University of Virginia)

June 1    Future Directions of Hispanic Theology with Peter Casarella (Duke University) and Michelle Gonzalez Maldonado (University of Scranton)

