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February 6th @ 4:00 pm

Humanism as an Educational Ideal

Feb 06
Humanism as an Educational Ideal

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The ideal of educating the total human person – the project that took on the name “humanism” –  became a widespread norm for education in the Christian world of early modern Europe, whence it spread to North and South America. This humanist ideal has competed for influence with other educational ideals, most especially with those pursued by universities. Fr. John O’Malley examines the sources of the humanistic style of learning, the place of that style in Catholic culture, and, more broadly, in the world in which we live.  He examines the courses of study that came to characterize it, how humanism has developed and adapted over time, and what may be its prospects in the future.

This event is co-presented with the Harvard Catholic Forum, and co-sponsored by the Saint Benedict Institute, the Collegium Institute, the Nova Forum, the Institute for Faith and Culture, the St. Paul’s Catholic University Center, and the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry.
