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May 14th @ 1:00 pm

WEBINAR: Is Hell Real? Is it Crowded? Accounts of the Afterlife in the Christian Tradition

May 14
WEBINAR: Is Hell Real? Is it Crowded? Accounts of the Afterlife in the Christian Tradition

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Presented by the Lumen Christi Institute’s Newman Forum. Open to current high school students. This event was made possible by a grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.

You have two sections to choose from:
Is Hitler in Hell? Is Judas? Is everyone saved? Why would a merciful God allow humans to suffer eternal damnation?
In this Thursday session, we’re going to lean on the wisdom of one of our favorites: Bishop Robert Barron. Relying on his piece, “Is Hell Crowded or Empty?” we’ll come together for an hour to discuss the three accounts of Hell that he traces through history, as well as other common representations of Hell in literature. From Augustine and Aquinas, to Barth and Balthasar, the reality of Hell is rooted in Scripture and the words of Christ Himself, and yet is still hotly debated (pun intended). By the end of our time together, students will be able to respond to the most common dialogues around what Hell is like, and have a working familiarity with the most salient representations of Hell in the media we consume.
Students should come to the session having watched Bishop Barron’s 9 minute video on Hell, which you can find here: https://www.wordonfire.org/resources/video/is-hell-crowded-or-empty/183/
There is no charge for the seminar, but a good-will donation of $10 is encouraged.
(Teachers and Youth Ministers may sit in, if interested. Please register as “Other,” and log in to the provided Zoom link 15 minutes prior to your session’s start time to ensure you are properly muted.)

