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October 19th @ 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

The Making of a Modern Saint: John Henry Newman on Faith and Education in a Secular Age

Oct 19
The Making of a Modern Saint:  John Henry Newman on Faith and Education in a Secular Age

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Cosponsored by Mundelein Seminary, the Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Office, and the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. This program is made possible in part by a gift from the Paluch Family Foundation and a grant from the John Templeton Foundation.

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Have you ever wondered why you go to school? Or what the point of it all is? What goes into making a big decision? And how do you fit together everything you know–or even the past with the future?

John Henry Newman will be canonized on October 13th. On October 19th, we’ll celebrate his life and thought.

In the morning, Dwight Lindley from Hillsdale College will talk about, “Conversion, the Key to Newman’s Life and Thought.” Newman understood his own conversion to be a gradual realization of what his most-deeply held principles required of him–it wasn’t some shallow “emotional” feeling. And Newman’s understanding of conversion helped him to give an account of the Church’s development over time (and how that development is both similar to and different from Darwinian evolution!).
In the afternoon, Dave Deavel from University of St. Thomas will tell us about Newman’s idea of education. He will help us ask what a true education is. What does it mean to seek “knowledge for its own sake”? What does it mean when Newman describes the whole of knowledge as a “circle”? How do all the “subjects”—biology, history, philosophy, theology, and the rest—in the circle fit together? What unites them? Does theology have to be part of true education? How does “being educated” relate to my career? We’ll talk about all this and more in this lecture.
There will also be food, games, outdoor competitions, and a prize for the winners.


9:00am Registration and Breakfast
10:00am Welcome & Introductions
10:15am Opening Prayer
10:30am Prof. Lindley lecture on Newman’s life and times
11:45am  Lunchtime discussion group
1:00pm Outdoor activity
2:15pm Prof. Deavel lecture on Science, University, and Liberal Education
3:30pm Discussion Groups
4:30pm Mass (optional)
5:45pm Pizza Party (optional)



Swift Hall

1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637
Hyde Park, IL