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April 6th @ 6:00 pm - May 18th @ 6:00 pm

Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth Non-Credit Course

Apr 06
Pope Benedict's Jesus of Nazareth Non-Credit Course

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Tuesdays, April 7-May 19
Gavin House, 1220 East 58th Street
6:00pm: Dinner
6:30pm: Presentation

Paul Mankowski, S.J. (Lumen Christi Institute Scholar-in-Residence)


Open to current university students and recent graduates. Others interested in attending please contactinfo@lumenchristi.org.

“This book is solely an expression of my personal search ‘for the face of the Lord’.”  Pope Benedict XVI’s Jesus of Nazareth is the product of a lifetime’s prayerful contemplation of scripture by an eminent theologian, for whom the person of Jesus is the key to understanding both the sacred text and the human person:  “Jesus has brought God and with God the truth about our origin and destiny: faith, hope, and love.”  The course will provide background for recognizing the several tributaries of Christian theology and scholarship that Benedict brings together in this work, and will examine in detail the chief moments in the life of Jesus on which he throws new light.  No prior familiarity with the work of Josef Ratzinger is presumed.



Gavin House

1220 E 58th St.
Chicago, IL 60637