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September 16th @ 7:00 pm

Spousal Vision: Seeing the Church with Lumen Gentium

Sep 16
Spousal Vision: Seeing the Church with Lumen Gentium

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John Cavadini (University of Notre Dame)

The Lumen Christi Institute is pleased to cosponsor this lecture, which is part of an annual lecture series on “The Documents of the Second Vatican Council” sponsored by St. Procopius Abbey & Benedictine University. Previous lecturers in this series include Fr. Robert Barron and Francis Cardinal George.

This event is free and open to the public. Please contact Fr. Becket Franks, O.S.B. with any questions at bfranks@procopius.org or (630) 829-9253.

St. Procopius Abbey Church

5601 College Rd. Lisle, IL 60532
Lisle, IL
