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February 9th @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm

Care of Souls in Inquisition Spain

Feb 09
Care of Souls in Inquisition Spain

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This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact dstrobach@lumenchristi.org. A wine and cheese reception will follow.

What did the practice of Christianity look like in a place shadowed by an inquisition? Were personal preferences, conversations, spiritual friendships, and religious questions off the table by default? Did clergy under the Spanish Inquisition neglect their duty to care for souls? Sixteenth-century Spaniards — regardless of their vocation, gender or education — defended and practiced a Catholicism that was rich in individual discretion, human communication, and theological inquiry. This talk lays out the evidence for an “inductive Catholicism,” which even Spanish inquisitors sometimes endorsed.


Lu Ann Homza
Lu Ann Homza
Harrison Chair and Professor

John Hope Franklin Room SSRB 224

1126 E 59th St.
Chicago, IL