The Monastery of the Holy Cross

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  3. The Monastery of the Holy Cross
Events at this venue

Solemn Vespers, Dinner, and Discussion at the Monastery of the Holy Cross

The Monastery of the Holy Cross 3111 South Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60608, Chicago, IL

Join us on the Feast of All Saints for Solemn Vespers, dinner, and conversation with Prior Peter Funk at the Monastery of the Holy Cross. For Solemn Vespers, the monks will sing traditional Gregorian chant and be accompanied by its choir-in residence Schola Laudis. This is a rare opportunity to experience prayer with beautiful sacred music in its proper liturgical setting. To read more about Solemn Vespers at the monastery, visit HERE. SCHEDULE: 4:30pm: Depart from Hyde Park 5:00pm: Welcome and Introduction 5:15pm: Office of Solemn Vespers 6:00pm: Dinner and discussion with Fr. Peter Funk 7:15pm: Office of Compline 8:00pm: Arrive...

Monastery Visit and Talk on “Spirituality and the Liturgy”

The Monastery of the Holy Cross 3111 South Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60608, Chicago, IL

Intended for University Students. Transportation from Hyde Park will be provided. Registration required as space is limited. SCHEDULE: 4:00 Depart from Hyde Park. 4:30 Talk on Spirituality and the Liturgy by Fr. Peter Funk, OSB. 5:15 Chanted Office of Vespers. 5:40 Silent Prayer. 6:00 Dinner. 6:30 Discussion and Questions. 7:15 Chanted Office of Compline. 8:00 Arrival back in Hyde Park. A link to the monastery website can be found here. Click here to watch a short documentary about life in the Monastery.

Monastery Visit and Lecture on “St. John Cassian, Monasticism, and the Kingdom of God”

The Monastery of the Holy Cross 3111 South Aberdeen St. Chicago, IL 60608, Chicago, IL

Registration Required. RSVP to About the Lecture: John Cassian, a monk with broad experience of Greek, Latin and Coptic monasticism, wrote his most important works, The Institutes and The Conferences to assist the Pope in establishing the monastic tradition of the Desert Fathers in fifth-century Europe. Since Cassian maintains that the monastic life is simply the life of the apostolic church, his insights are relevant for all Christians. This talk unfolds Cassian’s spirituality and the practices required of anyone who seeks the purity of heart that leads towards the realization of the Kingdom of God both in the interior life and in the social realm. About the Monastery: The Monastery...