In partnership with CREDO, the Lumen Christi Institute is cosponsoring a monthly Economics and Catholic Social Thought Virtual Workshop. The interdisciplinary workshop will take place online the second Friday of each month and feature papers addressing the intersecting domains of Economics and Catholic Social Thought. We welcome all papers on this interdisciplinary boundary. Since the primary audience for the seminar is economists interested in exploring these questions, we give somewhat greater weight to papers written or co-written by economists, and to papers written by scholars of any discipline with an audience of economists in mind.

The seminar is open to all CREDO members, and to any other interested scholars.

Those interested in participating should contact Andrew Yuengert, or Andrew Beauchamp.


2024 Schedule:

September 13, 2024  Andrew Yuengert (Pepperdine), “Analysis and Practical Dialog: The Moral Ecology of Markets.” Discussant: David Cloutier (Notre Dame)


October 11, 2024   Robert Couch (Earlham College), “Team Reasoning, Virtue and the Common Good: Moral Foundations for Values-Based Investing.” Discussant: TBD


November 8, 2024 Robert Tatum (UNC Asheville), “Patristic Writers and Some Theological Economics of Inequality” Discussant: TBD