Lumen Christi Announces 2022 Summer Seminars

Lumen Christi Announces 2022 Summer Seminars

We are pleased to announce applications are now open for our 2022 summer seminars in the Catholic Intellectual tradition. For the twelfth year, students from around the country and abroad will study major themes, texts, and figures of the Catholic tradition with leading scholars.

Omar Fakhri, an alumnus of four summer seminars and now Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Bethel College, discussed the importance of the seminars for his own spiritual and intellectual growth as well as their significance for our society. Read the full profile of Omar Fakhri here.

The Lumen Christi Institute’s summer seminars promote the integration and mutual enrichment of the intellectual life and life of faith. We encourage those who qualify to consider these unique opportunities for intellectual community and rigorous study with top Catholic university professors. See details about the 2022 seminars below.


Here is what participants from the 2021 seminars had to say:

“This was truly an example of how authentic theology is done on one’s knees. The movement from the deep conversations on the City of God into prayer and the Mass made this seminar truly unique and transformative.”

“I met wonderful colleagues and had five days of serious and engaged discussion about Newman’s thought and legacy. Disagreements were frequent and often sharp, but everyone conducted themselves so collegially that those arguments usually made us more fond of one another, not less.”

“As a Protestant, I hoped to learn a bit more about the Catholic intellectual tradition as well as ongoing conversations in Catholic circles. What I found in my seminar was a welcoming, hospitable group that fostered not only intellectual exchange but also genuine friendships.”


Click the titles for more details on each seminar:

Economics & Catholic Social Thought: A Primer
June 6-8, 2022 at the University of Notre Dame

Catholic Social Thought in Business Education
June 9-11, 2022 at the University of Notre Dame

Monastic Wisdom Seminar
June 20-26, 2022 at Our Lady of Dallas Cistercian Abbey

Aquinas’s Five Ways and Where they Lead
June 26-July 2, 2022 at the University of Chicago


Modern Science and Christian Faith
July 3-9, 2022 at Harvard University

The Thought of John Henry Newman
July 3-8, 2022 at the University of Oxford

Origen of Alexandria’s On First Principles
July 10-15, 2022 at the University of Toronto

Catholic Social Thought: A Critical Investigation
July 31-August 5, 2022 at the University of California, Berkeley

Modern Science and Christian Faith
August 7-13, 2022 at the University of Virginia