Lunch Discussion on "Vatican II after 60 Years: The Legacy of Benedict XVI"

Apr 19, 2023
Calvert House
5735 S University Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
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Stephen FieldsGeorgetown University

Free and open to the public. Registration required. Contact with any questions about this event. This event is co-presented with Calvert House and co-sponsored by the graduate and undergradate Catholic Students Organization. A Mass will precede the event. Lunch will be provided.

Vatican II was the landmark event in the life of the 20th century Church. But opinions are divided over the extent to which the council was a decisive rupture with past life and practice in the Church.  Amid a variety of interpretations in the decades following the council, Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI sought to integrate Vatican II within the wider history of the Church.  

Join us for a lunchtime discussion with Fr. Stephen Fields, SJ, who will explore Pope Benedict XVI's provocative thesis of a 'hermeneutic of continuity," which emphasized that authentic renewal could only occur in deep continuity with the past.  


Fr. Stephen Fields, SJ is the inaugural Hackett Family Professor in Theology at the Georgetown University. His current Research includes the place of the natural law in the problem of nature and grace; faith and probability in John Henry Newman; Newman's Idea of a University, and the contemporary context.