The Salvific Power of the Inner Life of Christ: The Witness of the Ecumenical Councils
Free and open to the public. Registration for in-person attendance is not required, but requested. Contact us with any questions. Note the time for this event has been changed from 4:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. This event is cosponsored by the Harvard Catholic Forum.
Standard accounts of salvation in both East and West typically do not include a consideration of how Christ's inner life-his thoughts, feelings, and intentions- are salvific. Such an omission is inconsistent with the witness of both the Scriptures and the ecumenical councils.
In affirming the necessity for human salvation of Christ's human mind and will, the ecumenical councils implicitly affirmed the salvific value of Christ's inner life without providing a description of its inner contents. On the basis of Scripture and both Eastern and Western traditions, such a description can be summarized by the notion of Christ's saving "doxological contrition".
Fr. Anatolios will also lead a master class for students and faculty on Friday, October 22 on The Doctrine of Salvation in Nicholas Cabasilas's The Life in Christ.
If you have any questions, please contact us.