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November 13th @ 10:00 am

How to Run Away From Home: Preparing for College as a Catholic

Nov 13
How to Run Away From Home: Preparing for College as a Catholic

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Cosponsored by the Archdiocese of Chicago Vocations Office and the University of St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary.


You’ve been told since you started school that you need to go away to college. Leave home, get an education, and begin “adulting.”

Everyone has a “guide” for the journey: Kaplan, Fiske, US News, Princeton Review, and so on.

But if you’re looking for an account of how to leave home in order to find it, you won’t find a better guide than Scripture, believe it or not. The Bible can be considered one big story of leaving home in order to find it, along with the hazards and holy moments along the way. It’s inspired countless Christians to journey, to search, to become pilgrims.

>> Don’t make a decision about where you’ll go or who you’ll be in college without considering this conference. <<

Join us as we explore the theme of “leaving home” in Scripture, literature, and history. From Genesis to Revelation, we’ll explore how the theme of “leaving home” is developed and elaborated. Then, we will look at the life of St. Anthony the Great, who decided to leave home and go to the desert simply by hearing the Gospel.


How should you leave home? Come find out.



Open to all high school students.



9-9:30am Registration and Grab-and-Go Breakfast

9:30-9:45am Welcome and Opening Prayer

9:45-10:15am Lecture #1 on Salvation History

10:15-10:30am Q&A #1

10:30am-11:15am Break and Game

11:15-11:45am Lecture #2 on the life of St. Anthony

11:45am-12:00pm Q&A #2

12:00pm-1:00pm Grab-and-Go Lunch & Discussion Group

1-1:30pm Eucharistic Adoration

1:30-2:30pm Reflection Time


Cost: $20. Scholarships are available. Parents and teachers who bring students can attend for free.

(Learn more about this and other Newman Forum events at the NEW! Newman Forum website: www.newmanforum.org)

Swift Hall

1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637
Hyde Park, IL
