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October 29th @ 6:30 pm

What Do Genesis 1-3 Tell Us About Creation in a Scientific Age?

Oct 29
What Do Genesis 1-3 Tell Us About Creation in a Scientific Age?

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Free and open to the public. This event is organized by the Harvard Catholic Forum, co-presented by the Lumen Christi Institute, and co-sponsored by the Society of Catholic Scientists and the Science & Religion Initiative at the McGrath Institute for Church Life. This event will be held on Zoom (registration required) and live-streamed to the Harvard Catholic Forum’s YouTube page.

Modern readers fall naturally into a series of typical mistakes when interpreting the creation accounts in Genesis. Urging us to consider these texts with fresh eyes, Fr. Clifford asks: Why does Genesis 1 describe creation as a 6-day work week? Why is Genesis 2-3 set on a large farm? And if today we cannot accept some of the Biblical writers’ assumptions, how can they still instruct us?
