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February 15th @ 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Creation: Artistic & Divine

Feb 15
Creation: Artistic & Divine

This event has passed.

This event was open to high school students, parents, and teachers.

Co-sponsored by Mundelein Seminary, the Archdiocese of Chicago Vocation Office, Relevant Radio, and the McGrath Institute for Church Life at the University of Notre Dame. This program was made possible in part by a gift from the Paluch Family Foundation and a grant from the Our Sunday Visitor Institute.

Follow us on Instagram for updates about the event.

Physics tells us how the universe is ordered, but can it tell us why? How are the laws of physics like a baseball rulebook? And why should we expect the universe to operate according to regular laws anyway?

If God created all things at the beginning of time, what are artists doing when they “create” a beautiful work of art? Can one thing be more beautiful than another? How are beauty and art related to God?

Join us on February 15, 2020 at the University of Chicago as Professors Stephen Barr (Physics, U of Delaware, President of Society of Catholic Scientists) and Jennifer Newsome Martin (Theological Aesthetics, Notre Dame’s Department of Liberal Studies) help high school students from throughout the region investigate the physics of creation and the theology of creativity.

Contact Austin Walker for more information or with questions.

Day Schedule

8:30   Breakfast and Registrations (Swift Hall Common Room)

9:00   Introductions and Prayers (Swift Hall 3rd Floor Lecture Hall)

9:15   Icebreaker

9:30    Lecture: Steve Barr with Q&A (35 min lecture, 15 min Q&A)

10:20   Break

10:30   Lecture: Jenny Martin with Q&A (35 min lecture, 15 min Q&A)

11:30   Lunch and Discussion Groups (2nd and 3rd Floor Swift Classrooms)

1:00   Adoration

1:30   Discussion/Q&A among Barr, Martin, and Students



Swift Hall

1025 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637
Hyde Park, IL