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February 20th @ 1:00 am

Lumen Christi Institute – Young Catholic Professionals Great Books Seminar: The Novel and the Crisis of Faith

Feb 20
Lumen Christi Institute - Young Catholic Professionals Great Books Seminar: The Novel and the Crisis of Faith

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The Lumen Christi Institute is proud to announce a new program in partnership with the Chicago chapter of Young Catholic Professionals (YCP). The 2019 Lumen Christi Institute – Young Catholic Professionals Great Books Seminar is an adult educational initiative aimed at equipping Catholic professionals 40 and under with a deeper understanding of the Catholic intellectual and literary traditions. Participants will gather monthly downtown for guided discussions on excerpts from celebrated texts as they work through a syllabus crafted by seminar leader Fr. Paul Mankowski, SJ, Lumen Christi’s scholar-in-residence.

This year’s theme is “The Novel and the Crisis of Faith.” The late 19th and 20th century novel provided Christian authors with a genre through which to examine the conflict of faith in Christ with vastly strengthened anti-Christian forces in politics, culture, and society. The examination of the fictional depiction of the dynamics of salvation and damnation will aim at deepening our own understanding of the ways in which faith simultaneously engages the world while it disentangles itself from worldliness. The discussions are to focus on relatively short selections (40 – 90 pages) from the assigned novels, although participants are encouraged to read the works in their entirety.

To view the syllabus, which you will also receive upon registering, click here.

The cost of seminar registration covers refreshments, drinks, and course materials for the eight seminar meetings from February to September. Registration will close when 35 participants have signed up and is is available on a first-come, first-served basis; 20 seats will be reserved for members of YCP Chicago. Registrants need not attend every session in order to register; they must still pay the full cost of registration. Registrants may choose to purchase books on their own rather than via Lumen Christi (see pricing below).


February 20
March 21
April 25
May 22
June 26
July 24
August 21
September 25


5:30pm – beer, wine, and heavy hors d’oeuvres social
6pm – seminar begins
7pm – seminar ends


With books, for YCP Chicago members or those who sign up for membership: $100
With books, for non-YCP Chicago members: $380
Without books, for YCP Chicago members or those who sign up for membership: $50
Without books, for non-YCP Chicago members: $280

With any additional inquiries please contact Michael Bradley at mbradley@lumenchristi.org.

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, 28th Floor

155 North Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60606
Downtown, IL
