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October 12th @ 11:00 pm - November 17th @ 12:00 am

“Irenaeus: Bishop, Martyr, and Opponent of Gnosticism”

Oct 12
"Irenaeus: Bishop, Martyr, and Opponent of Gnosticism"

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Thursday Evenings, Non-Credit Course, Autumn Quarter 2011
“The Age of the Church Fathers: From Pagan Philosophy to Christian Wisdom”
Cobb Lecture Hall, Room 201
5811 S. Ellis AvenueÂ
Lecture, 7:00pm
Informal Dinner, 6:30pm

October 13
“Introduction: Why Study the Fathers?”
Fr. Michael Heintz (University of Notre Dame)

October 20
“Clement of Alexandria: Neo-Platonism and Christian Wisdom”
Brian Daley, S.J. (University of Notre Dame)

October 27 
“Justin Martyr: Early Christian Engagement with Greek Philosophy”
Aaron Canty (St. Xavier University)

November 3
“Tertullian: What Does Athens Have to do with Jerusalem?”
Msgr. Michael Heintz (University of Notre Dame)

Tuesday, November 8, Social Sciences 122 
“Platonism and Christianity”
Carlos Steel (Catholic University of Leuven)

November 17
“Irenaeus: Bishop, Martyr, and Opponent of Gnosticism”
Scott D. Moringiello (Villanova University)

Intended for University students, faculty, and recent graduates. Others interested in attending, contact info@lumenchristi.org.

About the Course:

A non-credit course for students and members of the University of Chicago community that explores the thought of some of the early Church Fathers, including Clement of Alexandria, Justin Martyr, Tertullian, and Irenaeus. From the close of the apostolic age until the 8th century, the Church Fathers put forth a vision of Christian wisdom and debated the nature of Christ, grace and free will, the role of the Church, and the meaning of a Christian life in the context of a changing social and political world.

Cobb Lecture Hall, Room 201

5811 S. Ellis Ave. Chicago, IL 60637
Hyde Park, IL
